Councilors discussed the future of the city’s garbage collection and recycling system at the city councils May 9 meeting. Pros and cons were debated on the continued use of the bag system or a change to a cart system.
The existing contract with William Hanson Waste Removal is good for another three years. If the city goes to the cart system, the current contract will be amended.
There seemed to be agreement that a hybrid system allowing for a choice of bags or carts would be problematic. The bag system has been economical and in use for years. Going to carts will be more costly, especially for those that produce a very limited amount of garbage. The bag system requires two workers for collection, which has become a problem. Only one worker will be required to drive the truck for the automated truck-cart system. Most councilors believe realistically the use of an automated truck is the future.
Councilors that spoke to residents concluded most were pro cart, but not all. Hanson has provided waste removal services for the city for over 20 years.
Residents can get either a 65-gallon or a 96-gallon cart, one each for recycling and garbage. Apartment buildings would be treated as a commercial building when it comes to garbage collection. Most residents will experience a cost increase of about 30% with the cart system. Residents average 4.3 bags per month, which amounts to $22.67 per month. With a 65-gallon cart for garbage and a 65-gallon cart for recycling the average resident will pay $30.17 plus taxes and surcharges.
No action was taken this day, but there seemed to be a consensus to move forward and to work out the details of a contract for the cart system.
Other business in brief
• City Engineer Craig Britton requested approval of the contract for the 2022 Ground Water Storage Improvement Project (south reservoir only). Last meeting the council rejected the bid for the rehabilitation of concrete tank improvements. The Public Works committee recommended the low bidder for the repair of the steel tanks submitted by Osseo Construction Co. LLC. A revised contract with Osseo Construction in the amount of $304,000 was approved. This eliminates work associated with Old Territorial Rd. reservoir.
• Dan Funk was hired as a senior maintenance worker, effective June 6. Brian Burkholder, Public Works, noted eight applicants were interviewed for the position. Burkholder thanked the retiring Bill DuBord for all he has done over his eight years of service; he will be missed.
• Burkholder said five people were interviewed for summer help positions. Ryan Nosbisch and Gage Bartels were hired for these positions (June through August) as recommended. David Sladek will work as a back-up mower as needed in May, September, and October.
• Approval was given to close Fifth St. from the alley to Twiford St. for the next two months as requested by Benike Construction. The closure will be for utility work and a retaining wall rebuild.
• The month of May was proclaimed to be 2022 Preservation Month in the city of Chatfield.
• Approval was given for the VFW to display flags in City Park on Memorial Day weekend.
• Approval was given for Chatfield to act as the fiscal host for SE Minnesota Regional Transit. A proposal has been developed to create a Transportation Management Organization (TMO) to help people move around the region more efficiently. Efforts are being made to formally create the TMO. SE MN Together will compensate the city for these services.
• The annual appropriation of $2,000 to the Bluff Country Hiking Club was approved.
• E. B. Allen was approved as softball season coordinator for CCTV.
• A resolution was approved to petition the Minnesota Legislature to extend the Minnesota Historic Rehabilitation tax credit for at least eight years.
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