At the March 28 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, councilors voted on the second consideration of two ordinances recommended by the Charter Commission. In order for the recommended amendments to become part of the city’s charter, there must be a unanimous vote on the second consideration.
Ordinance 458-Elimination of the position of Health Officer was approved with a unanimous vote, as was its publication. Ordinance 459-City Manager/Administrator failed to get a unanimous vote. The vote was 4-1 in favor. Councilor Pam Bluhm voted against the ordinance; therefore, it failed.
Curt Sorenson, chair of the Charter Commission, noted at the city council’s February 28 meeting that both recommendations had been unanimously recommended by the Charter Commission. Sorenson then insisted the change from a city clerk position to that of a city administrator was rational, as it is the way the city has actually operated for years. He added, if City Clerk Joel Young was to retire, the city will have a better opportunity to recruit a city administrator. This was the fourth time the Charter Commission has recommended this change in the city’s charter.
2021 audit
Jason Boynton, Smith Schafer & Associates, Ltd., reviewed the city’s 2021 audit and financial statement. The city was granted an unmodified “clean” opinion in 2021. He said there are no issues to bring to the city council’s attention; the audit went well. Timely payments have been made on all debt.
The city’s tax capacity continued to increase in 2021. The general tax levy revenues represent 40% of the total government revenues in 2021. Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state represented 15% of the city’s governmental revenues and 32% of total general fund revenues in 2021. LGA has had only small increases year to year.
General government and Public Safety continue to be the greatest governmental expenditures, excluding capital outlays. The city’s reserves or unassigned general fund balance as a percentage of next year’s general fund property tax levy and LGA is at 62.1%. Excluding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds the fund balance percentage would have been at 56%.
A new construction fund for Phase II construction of the Chatfield Center for the Arts was established in 2021. The total project is expected to cost $8.7 million; it is funded with state grants. In 2021 $1.1 million was spent on this improvement project.
Councilors unanimously accepted the 2021 audit and financial statements.
Other business in brief
• The second consideration of Ordinance 460-Zoning Amendment was approved, as was its publication. The amendment allows the City Code to provide “Athletic and Health Club businesses” and “Large Animal Veterinary Clinics” in the Light Industrial (I-1) zoning district.
• May 9, 2022, will be the day for citywide clean-up.
• A resolution authorizing the submission of an Outdoor Recreation Grant application was approved. The grant is to be used to pay about half of the cost to purchase and install a pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek in Groen Park. The grant request is for $77,000; the city will need to provide $78,000 (of which $55,000 would come from money given to the city by the Whitford Family Trust).
• A resolution was approved to close out the Swimming Pool Construction Fund. The remaining cash will be deposited in the 2018A Pool Debt Service Fund.
• The City of Chatfield is in compliance with Minnesota’s Local Government Pay Equity Act, which was passed in 1984.
• A collection services agreement with Rozlin Financial Group, Inc. (RFGI) was approved. This collection agency will try to collect bills owed, mostly by people who live outside of the city.
• Payment #3 to LHB, Inc. was approved for the Chatfield Center for the Arts project.
• Mayor Russ Smith commented that he has received one too many calls concerning the signs north of the city along Highway 52. The city has no control or jurisdiction over the signs, which some find offensive, about four miles north of the city.
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