Photo by Mary L. Allen
At the May 10, Chatfield School Board meeting, board members Josh Thompson, Jill Harstad, David Sowinski, Mark Johnsrud, Katie Priebe and Tom Keefe were present as well as Superintendent Ed Harris, Principals Shane McBroom, Eric Nelson, Community Education Director, LuAnn Kleven, and Lorri Lowery, administrative assistant were present.
Representatives of the Chatfield Education Foundation were present to explain to the board what the purpose of the Foundation will be. Their mission statement states that “they are non-profit organization dedicated to advocating, promoting and funding initiatives to enrich the education experiences for Chatfield students.” Its goal is to help fund different initiatives and educational experiences for students and to reduce or eliminate the need for student fundraisers and provide funding within the classroom. They will be presenting to the school staffs on June 2, during the teachers’ work day.
Community Education Director LuAnn Kleven reported the following:
•Summer Valleyland still has some openings for third grade.
•Some preschool openings for two-day are available for next school year.
•Summer enrichment and recreation summer catalog is available on the Community Education page of the school website.
•Early Childhood Program received a $15,000 grant for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation that will provide staff training, classroom resources, parent education and resources for families.
Eric Nelson, high school principal, stated that the prom was a huge success with a massive crowd for the grand march ahead of the prom. Two days prior to the prom the school hosted a mock crash that demonstrated the potentially fatal consequences that come from distracted, drunk and irresponsible driving. He then welcomed Rebecca Copeman and her speech coach, Stephanie Copeman to come forward. Rebecca earned first place in the Humorous Interpretation category at the State competition and the team received a third place trophy for the team sweepstakes.
Elementary principal, Shane McBroom said the Kindergarten Round-Up was a success with 49 students registered for next year. The fifth graders annual trip to Eagle Bluff went very well and the weather was perfect. Watching students step outside their comfort zone as well as learning about nature was an amazing experience.
Superintendent Harris has requested pricing for an expansion of parking stalls near the track gate and for filling in a portion of the preschool drive with addition asphalt. This could be supported by funds remaining in the site project fund from last summer. He also suggested the board have a special meeting to discuss long range planning for finances and a facility review. A meeting will be set for the near future.
Under consent items the following were approved:
•Winter 2023-24 varsity coaches: Brenda Strande, dance; Jeremy McBroom, boys basketball; Matt Mauseth, wrestling
•Fall 2023 junior high/assistant coaches: Josh Berhow, Tom Bance, Adam Hurley, Kirk Affeldt and Sean Trewin
•New hires: Sara Hopp, elementary media center assistant; Corey Dornack, junior high football coach; Shelby Nolan, JV/9th grade volleyball coach; Alaina Armstrong and Kylie Sinn, Valleyland assistants; and Cheri Stageberg, high school math teacher
•Resignations: Emily Tutland, elementary SPED; Carmen Berge and Kristine Welper, kindergarten; Sarah Lange, preschool aide and Eddie Copeman, high school custodian.
•Job postings: Elementary teacher
•Elementary summer school hires: general education teachers Elissa Johnsrud, Kirsten Armstrong, Anna Olson, Jodie Daniels, Brenda Semmen, Kristine Groski, Jessica MacLeod, Ashely Kester and Katie Goldsmith; Connie Walker, general education para; Emily Tutland, ESY SPED summer school
•Prom DJ, Tony Becker
Under action items the board approved the local literacy plan which is an annual requirement to release local literacy aid revenue and the Education Identity and Access Management Resolution to continue access to various functionalities in the MDE website. The 2023-2027 transportation contract was awarded to Bernard Bus Service. Harris feels this is a very reasonable contract given the economy, which will provide cost predictability. The average cost increase will be approximately 2% each year for the next four years. The last item approved was the increase of the Human Resource position from 30 to 37.5 hours per week. This staffing change is a part of a longer range, budget friendly, staffing plan in the district office.
The meeting was adjourned. The next board meeting will be on June 14 at 7 p.m. in the high school Forum room.
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