At the April 3, board meeting, all board members were present along with Superintendent Ed Harris, Administrative Assistant Lorri Lowery, Business Manager Karyl Lyon and Principals Shane McBroom and Randy Paulson.
Shane McBroom, elementary principal reported that MCA testing for grade three and grade five students will be completed this week. Students have filled their Gopher Time Tower with reward tickets and now are being rewarded with a magician for grades K-2 and free time for grades 3-6. Kindergarten Roundup for the 2019-20 school year will be held on April 9 and there will be approximately 64 prospective kindergartners attending. McBroom also congratulated sixth grade teacher Jodie Daniels for being honored with the KIMT Golden Apple Award. She was nominated by a fellow teacher and parent of one of her students.
High School Principal Randy Paulson reported that the annual Jared Hammell Volleyball Tournament and Silent Auction put on by the FFA members, staff and alumni netted over $10,000 that will be used for scholarships for FFA members. Students continue to be competitive as the Rube Goldberg team is going to Nationals in Indiana, nine FFA teams are going to State at the end of April and the Knowledge Bowl Team is going to State on April 10. The senior class trip to Walt Disney World was a success and Paulson said that the students were great representatives of their school.
Superintendent Harris told the board that the school district builds snow days into the school year calendar and that three additional days have already been made up. The district has a sufficient amount of student contact days and school will not be extended at the end of the year. He also asked the board to give permission to solicit quotes to sell fiber optic cable between the high school and the elementary school as it is not needed. Harris brought up the subject of e-Learning days and said that it is something the board could discuss at a later date.
The following consent items were approved by the board: minutes from the March 13 meeting, elementary para Sara Schroeder resignation, and the posting of the physical conditioning supervisor/coach job. The following varsity coaches for SY 2019-2020 were also approved: Brian Baum, girls basketball; Jeff DeBuhr, boys basketball and Travis Bartels, wrestling. Other consent items approved were the prom DJ, Tony Lee and the Travel Club fundraiser “Dress Your Pet.”
Under action items board member Scott Backer read the Resolution Relating to the Nonrenewal of the Teaching Contract of a Probationary Teacher. Three teachers were non-renewed for 1.0 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) each and one teacher was non-renewed for .25 FTE. The board approved the resolution and Superintendent Harris said that this is part of the budget reduction. The board also approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the CEA (Chatfield Education Association) to reduce staff development funding for two years as part of the budget reduction. This amounts to about $40,000. The revised 2018-19 budgets were approved with a note that the General Fund showed improvement. The board approved Tristin O’Connor as the new business manager and the posting of her prior position as accounts payable clerk as a .63 position. The date of the July board meeting was changed from July 3 to July 9. Lastly the board approved the retirement package for teacher Julie Young on a vote of four in favor and two against.
The meeting was adjourned and the next board meeting will be on May 1.
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