At the February 26 meeting of the Chatfield city council, Steve Schlichter, WWTF superintendent, explained the current UV disinfection system is 18 years old and parts are no longer available and/or difficult to find. Councilor Mike Urban was absent.
Schlichter recommended the lower of two quotes submitted by Great Northern Environmental in the amount of $145,000 for replacement of the system. He expects it will cost less than $5,000 for necessary electrical changes. The purchase of the new Trojan UV System was approved as recommended with necessary electrical changes.
Schlichter reported that the influent pumps have been inspected. Five pumps were found to be in need of repair. He recommended the rebuilding of one of the pumps at a cost of $3,145. He also recommended the replacement of another pump (#3) that was previously rebuilt in 2020; a new pump will cost $21,386. The quotes were submitted by Quality Flow Systems. Approval was granted to rebuild one pump and to replace the other pump as presented.
Mitch Irish explained that over the last several months they have been looking into bulk fuel tanks and a management system for use by all city vehicles. Working with the Personnel and Budget committee it has been decided that the best option is the Fill-Rite Fuel Management system with a 500-gallon gasoline tank and a 1,000-gallon diesel tank. The tanks will be located at the public works shop. The tanks and fuel management system will cost $19,931 from CHS Inc. Electrical work necessary to hook the system up to power will be provided by A and M Electric at a cost of $4,950. The purchase of the tanks and equipment and electrical work was approved as presented.
Other Business in Brief
• The first consideration of Ordinance No. 470 amending various fees of adopted Ordinance No. 469 was approved. Those provisions related to “Residential Solid Waste” are to be repealed.
• A motion to conduct an environmental study and soil borings on the state property where the old salt shed had been located (near the care center) was approved. City Administrator Michele Peterson said a discussion about possibly purchasing the property will occur later. The city is looking at the property as a potential location for a new Public Works facility.
• Approval was given to trade-in a Ford Explorer for a Chevy Traverse.
• The agricultural lease of city property to Schoenfelder Farms for the sum of $225 per acre ($9,000 per year) was approved.
• The resignation of Joey Leibi from the fire department was accepted.
• The appointment of Ben Boerger to the fire department was approved.
• Approval was granted for the lease of a copier for both the administration and the police department.
•A donation to the city from the Chatfield Firefighters Activity Association in the amount of $2,500 was accepted. The funds are to be used for batting cages in the city park for public youth.
• Township Fire and Ambulance agreements were approved as submitted. Townships will pay the city on an annual basis $35.04 per resident who lives in the primary service area of the Chatfield Fire Department. Townships will pay the city on an annual basis $26.00 per resident who lives in the Primary service area of the Chatfield Ambulance Service.
• Peterson reported we are in the planning process and are working to put together a committee to work on a veterans memorial.
• The Committee of the Whole met prior to the council meeting and reviewed strategic planning, goals, and funding strategies.
• March 5 is primary election day.
• The city council meets next on March 12.
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