At the August 12 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, Ordinance 476 was reviewed for the first time. It outlines offenses that may be charged as administrative offenses and the penalties for those offenses.
The fine for an animal violation would be $50, for various described nuisances would be $100, and for various street, sidewalk, and vehicle violations the fine would be $50. This ordinance was reviewed only; no action was taken on it this day.
Ordinance 474 establishing vehicle Parking Restrictions was approved, as was its publication.
Ordinance 472 Special Vehicle will regulate the use of special vehicles on public streets and public areas within the city. It was approved, as was its publication. It provides for use of a disabled permit in certain instances. It also details provisions for enforcement.
Other Business in Brief
• A $7,600 loan was approved for Topel Ice Cream, Inc., owned by Yoel Topel, for improvements (drive through system) at the Dairy Queen as recommended by the EDA. Repayment of the loan will be made over 10 years at 4% interest. Topel will also install a new digital sign paid for with owner equity, costing $32,430.88.
• EDA Director Chris Giesen described a potential pilot program to waive water and sewer utility connection fees (hook-up fees) to promote housing development. The EDA had recommended running the program through the end of 2025. Councilor Josh Broadwater suggested the program be tested through the end of 2024 and then evaluated as to its effectiveness. These utility connection fees total $4,200 per home constructed. This can be a benefit to the home buyer/builder. Approval was given for the pilot program to run through the end of 2024.This will be in effect for a limited time to test its effectiveness in promoting housing development. If successful it may be extended through the end of 2025 for all single-family home construction within the city.
• Police Chief Shane Fox commented on Western Days, noting the event went well and was quiet. One of his officers just finished a year of probation and another officer has just a week to go to complete the probation period. The department is looking for a part-time officer. A new squad car was ordered in July; hopefully it will be delivered before the end of the year.
• A contract with First Network Systems/Damon Lueck to serve as Chatfield Cable Television Technical Coordinator from September 2024 through December 2025 was approved.
• A resolution was adopted authorizing the execution of the grant agreement (Toward Zero Deaths project) between the Chatfield Police Department and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for traffic Safety enforcement projects from October 2024 through September 2025.
• The resignation of city employee John Pfursich was accepted effective August 19.
• Approval was granted to advertise for a full-time maintenance worker for the Public Works Department.
• Approval was granted to send letters requesting the support and co-sponsorship of H.R. 1666 and S. 1673 to our federal legislators (Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar and Congressman Brad Finstad). This federal legislation is intended to extend the current temporary fee increases under the Medicare ambulance fee schedule for another three years to offset the increased costs of providing ground ambulance services. Ambulance services in southeast Minnesota are dealing with growing deficits.
• A more detailed letter will be sent to a resident asking the resident to make more progress in dealing with a public nuisance.
• Mayor John McBroom congratulated Brian Burkholder and his staff on keeping the streets clean during Western Days, which were well attended.
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