At the September 26 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, City Clerk Joel Young briefly reviewed the budget goals for fiscal year 2023. Seven principles were listed to outline these goals, including the maintenance of a “steady, predictable, local tax rate with a long term goal of reducing the tax rate over time.” Young said they are making progress on each of the principles. He added Capital Improvement Funds are financially healthy.
A resolution was adopted unanimously, setting pay for the mayor and councilors, effective January 1, 2023. Young noted that this resolution, for a pay increase for elected officials, needs to be voted on prior to the upcoming general election. The last pay increase was at the beginning of 2021. The new annual pay for the mayor will be $5,675, or an increase of $425, and for each councilor the annual pay will be $3,650, or an increase of $275.
A resolution was adopted unanimously to increase the city’s pay grid for all city staff, including the pay for part-time and seasonal employees, by 5%, effective January 1,2023.
The above pay increases are included in the 2023 budget. The 2023 preliminary budget and property tax levy was certified. The total budget is $2,445,108, or a 5.80% increase from 2022. The Truth in Taxation hearing on the proposed budget and tax levy will be held on December 12 during a regularly scheduled meeting.
Four new homes have been constructed in Chatfield in 2022, adding nearly a million dollars in residential value.
City Charter Amendment
A public hearing was held on the proposed amendment to the City Charter. The Charter Commission, which operates separately from the municipal government, proposes the establishment of the position of city administrator. The administrator is responsible for preparing budgets, managing personnel and recommending the hiring and termination of employees. The city council will be responsible for approving budgets, tax levy, policies, all hires and terminations of employees, and the determination of goals and projects. There were no comments from the public or councilors.
The Charter Commission has previously proposed a change to establish a city manager position in 2017, to establish a city administrator position in 2020, to establish an administrator position with the title of manager/administrator in 2022, and currently to establish an Administrator position with the title of administrator.
The mayor and the city council will oversee the city administrator who oversees the chief of police, city clerk, ambulance director, superintendent of city services, and fire chief.
The first consideration of an ordinance to amend the City Charter to establish the position of City Administrator was unanimously approved. A vote on the second consideration will occur at the next city council meeting. It is required that all councilors are present to vote and that they all vote in the affirmative for approval of the amendment.
Other business in brief
• A recommendation from Brian Burkholder to approve a proposal for updated landscaping in front of the Thurber Building was approved. Back in 2015, a schematic drawing was received with a quote from Ruskell Outdoor Services in the amount of $5,784. Burkholder said the cost can be reduced by doing the work “in house” with Dan Funk doing the work. The plantings can be purchased for a little over $2,000 plus the added cost of renting an edger. Burkholder’s recommendation to do the work “in house” next spring was approved.
• Burkholder explained a control panel, installed in 2008 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, needed to be replaced. Approval was given to order the replacement panel at a cost of $6,283.
• A letter from the city was authorized to allow Osseo Construction Company to work on the water tower on Saturdays and Sundays.
• An amendment to the William Hanson Waste Removal contract was approved as presented.
• Steven Schlichter and Joseph Liebl were hired as firefighters.
• A donation of $500 was accepted from the Firefighters Activities Association to benefit the Fire Department Equipment Fund.
• A donation of $500 was accepted from Chatfield Brass Band, as was a $2,000 donation from Booster Club/Brass Band.
• The city council will meet next on October 10.
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