Brian Burkholder provided a list of streets that are scheduled to get crack-filling maintenance at the city council’s July 11 meeting. Streets to be crack-filled are those that had been overlayed in the years from 2017 to the present.
A bid from Durst Outdoor Services in the amount of $27,892.80 was approved. The plan from Widseth to crack-fill streets from years one through five is being followed. Burkholder noted, due to high costs and current budget restraints, Hillside Drive from Amco Lane to Highway 30 was not included in this year’s list. He plans to include that street next year. Crack-filling will be underway soon.
City Engineer Craig Britton requested approval of change order #1 for the 2022 Water System Electrical Improvements Project, due to higher material costs.
Killmer Electric Company, Inc. has asked for the contract price increase of $16,658. The total contract originally was in the amount of $529,450. A subcontractor, Automatic Systems Co., contacted Killmer Electric shortly after bidding, about price increases and the difficulty in finding available materials for certain SCADA components (a system of software and hardware elements). Britton felt the requested change order was reasonable. The change order was approved as presented.
Other business in brief
• A public hearing was held for the establishment of TIF District 3-5. There was an administration error in an earlier publication for the public hearing back in April, so the process was started over. The tax increment financing plan for TIF district 3-5 had been approved at the April 25 meeting. Jill Harstad and Lindsay Eide requested the TIF assistance for Fifty-Two Fitness, which is to be an approximately 8,000-square-foot facility. The assistance is a tool using property taxes to redirect and put funds back into the project. A portion of the property taxes collected will be reimbursed.
The value of the TIF assistance will be up to $140,000 plus interest over nine years. The facility is expected to create $750,000 of new tax base. There is no financial risk to the city. There was no comment from councilors or the public this day. The resolution was again adopted establishing TIF district 3-5 and the adoption of the TIF plan.
• Any individual that wishes to be a candidate for an office to be decided at the Municipal General Election on November 8 can file between August 2 and August 16 at the city clerk’s office at the Thurber Community Building. Two councilor positions (four-year terms) and the mayor position (two-year term) are to be decided at the November election.
• A list of appointed election judges for the primary/special general election to be held on August 9 was approved.
• Authorization was given for Mayor Russ Smith and city clerk Joel Young to sign the Outdoor Recreation Grant contract in the amount of $77,000 to help pay for the construction of a bridge across Mill Creek in Groen Park.
• Approval was given for some streets to be closed and the use of City Park during Western Days.
• A donation in the amount of $5,000 was accepted from the Chatfield Booster Club to benefit Western Days.
• A payment of $5,000 to Western Days Inc. was authorized for services rendered during Western Days.
• A donation was accepted in the amount of $10,000 from the Firefighter’s Activities Association to benefit the truck and equipment fund.
• The Chatfield City Council will meet next on July 25.
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