Four department heads reviewed the 2024 year at the city council’s February 10 meeting. Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent.
Steve Schlichter, Wastewater Treatment Facility, reported that the facility is running well; it has met or exceeded all limits. In 2024 a total of 71,423,000 gallons of wastewater was treated; it costs $19.30 to treat 1,000 gallons of wastewater. About three miles of sewer lines were cleaned.
The WWTF is 20 years old and having more mechanical failures. Schlichter said the aging facility requires them to spend time and resources to keep it operating as it should. One large investment in 2024 was for the installation of a new Trojan UV system that disinfects wastewater before it is discharged into the river. This year they will be working on a Facility Plan, biosolids land application, and an update of the Capital Improvement Plan.
Ambulance Director Rocky Burnett said they welcomed three new members in 2024 and two EMTs resigned. Currently, there are 20 EMTs. Overall, EMTs provided 18,200 hours of coverage during 2024. Like other area services, Burnett said they struggle at times with staffing. For this reason, the “on call” stipend was increased from $2 to $7. A part-time EMT was added to help with overnight shifts.
The service received 417 calls and transported 332 patients. One-time state funding of nearly $95,000 will be used in 2025 to offset wages of the part-time employee and to increase the volunteer stipend. The city has increased the tax levy amount for ambulance to $75,000 annually. In June 2024 a new 2023 Ford F550 ambulance was put into service (ordered in 2022).
Police Chief Shane Fox reported that there were 1,924 calls in 2024 (up from 2023). The department was fully staffed for the entire year. A squad car was ordered. The use of body cameras will be implemented soon. All in all, it was a good year. About a third of the calls were traffic related. Others calls include, but are not limited to, agency assistance, ambulance, a variety of complaints, harassment, information, mental health, suspicious activity, theft, welfare checks, assault, court order violation, criminal damage to property, custody disputes, disorderly conduct, domestic disturbance, drugs, fraud/scam, missing persons, and more.
Fire Chief Luke Thieke said they work on fire prevention. He reported 53 calls in 2024; 12 were for assistance, 13 for investigation, and eight for extinguishing a fire in a structure. Four calls were for extracting someone from a car. A new fire truck was ordered in 2024. One person joined the department in 2024 and one resigned.
Other Business in Brief
- The purchase of a robotic cleaner brush at a cost of $6,499 from Horizon Commercial Pools was approved. It will be used to deal with algae and mildew growing on the swimming pool. This is an efficient and time saving way to deal with this issue.
- A resolution was adopted authorizing the city administrator to sign and submit grants-in-aid for the new All-Terrain Vehicle trail project, maintenance, and grooming. Chatfield serves as the local government sponsor for the Chatfield ATV trail.
- Ordinance 477 Minnesota Energy Resources (a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group) Franchise Agreement had its first review. The agreement/ordinance has been reviewed by city attorney Fred Suhler. The agreement is to remain in effect for 20 years once it is approved and put into effect.
- The Safe Routes to School Plan was completed in 2020. It seems not to have been officially adopted by the city council. City Administrator Michele Peterson submitted the plan for the council’s review. The plan was adopted as submitted.
- Councilor Paul Novotny reported on the Public Works committee. He explained the water truck was beyond its life expectancy. A motion was approved to authorize staff to purchase, if feasible, a replacement water truck at auction; the price is not to exceed $62,400.
- Mayor John McBroom presented Rocky Burnett a certificate in appreciation for his 10 years of service to the city of Chatfield.
- Councilor Dave Frank reported on an addition to the city’s public library, a seed library. Related events will be held at the library on February 20 and March 8.
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