City Engineer Craig Britton reviewed the proposal for plans and specifications and construction services for the 2023 Street Improvement Project at the city council’s February 13 meeting. Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent.
The hourly rate contract with Widseth to prepare plans and specifications is estimated to cost $262,870. Full reconstruction is scheduled for Grand St. SE from Seventh St. to Prospect St. SE and Hawley St. SE from Grand St. SE to the end of the cul-de-sac and Prospect St. SE from Winona St. to the end of the street. The reclaiming and paving of Grand St. SE from Prospect St. SE to Valley St. SE along with storm water installation is included in the project. A water main is also to be installed through Shady Oak Park from Hawley St. to Prospect St. The total improvement project is estimated to cost $1.99 million.
Britton updated the council regarding the Groen Park Pedestrian Bridge. Chatfield has received a grant for the bridge. Contech will provide the bridge which is expected to take about 12 months to be delivered. Grading work may begin this fall. This work and the installation of abutments may be completed prior to the delivery of the bridge.
Other business in brief
•The Chatfield Public Library Board established the new position of assistant library director. Christy Hyke has been appointed to and accepted this new position.
•Approval was granted to reimburse a sewer backup claim in the amount of $515 submitted by Dave Dudek of 325 Winona St. The sewer backup occurred on January 29. Steven Schlichter, wastewater treatment superintendent, explained they had found a blockage and jetted the line and cleared the blockage. But the homeowner still had a problem, so he called Rochester Drain Right, Inc. They concluded the line was still plugged. The city jetted a line at a second manhole and cleared the blockage. The blockage was caused by wipes and roots.
Schlichter said there are quite a few backups due to the so-called flushable wipes and roots. No wipes should be flushed.
•The second consideration of Ordinance #463, Solar Collector ordinance, was approved as was its publication.
•The resignation of Aaron Miliander, police officer, was accepted effective February 21. He was recognized for his service to the city over the last 15 years. A process will be started to fill this position.
•Mayor John McBroom noted he had attended the 2023 Elected Leaders Institute Foundation program on February 10-11 in Mankato. The program is designed to provide elected officials with basics to help them in their leadership roles.
The city council will next meet on February 27.
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