At the February 24 meeting of the city council, plans were approved for maintenance of numerous city streets.
A quote from Durst Outdoor Services in the amount of $29,025.50 was approved for crack filling work on portions of six streets (River St, Seventh St., Sixth St., Fourth St., Old Territorial Rd, and Grove St.).
Many of the same streets will be chip sealed after crack filling is completed.
A quote from Pearson Bros., Inc. was approved in the amount of $47,973.48 for the chip sealing project. The chip sealing project includes portions of the above-mentioned streets, except for Old Territorial Rd. and Grove St. However, it does include Lonestone Court.
Other Business in Brief
- The sizes and prices for Mill Creek banners were approved. This program began in 2024 which allows banners to be displayed from May 1 through October 18 to support local community youth sport activities and to advertise businesses. A 98-inch by 48-inch banner can be displayed for $130 and a 72-inch by 36-inch banner can be displayed for $100.
- A resolution was adopted requesting liability coverage for the Center for the Arts, Inc. by the League of Minnesota Cities Trust (LMCIT) as recommended by the EDA. The city of Chatfield agrees to be secondarily responsible for premiums/assessments which may be owed to LMCIT.
- Approval was granted to hire Jeremy Lonien to the seasonal mower position for 2025 as recommended by the Personnel/Budget Committee.
- The 2025 CCTV Seasonal Event coordinator for softball will be EB Allen and the Seasonal Event coordinator for baseball will be Andy O’Connor.
- A resolution was adopted delegating registration authority for cannabis retailers to Fillmore County effective immediately.
- The Fillmore County Ambulance subsidy contract for 2025 was approved. Fillmore County provides a subsidy of $6,000 to be used for the ambulance service.
- One bid had been submitted for the pedestrian bridge that originally was to be installed in Groen Park; the city council voted to cancel the project at their January 27 meeting. The bid submitted was not accepted. The Personnel/Budget Committee will set a minimum price for the bridge before it is listed on Public Surplus for sale.
- The Committee of the Whole met prior to this meeting. Planning, budgeting, and the need to get more citizens involved were topics for discussion.
- Mayor John McBroom congratulated the wrestlers that are going to State competition.
- City Administrator Michele Peterson reported she will bring a job description for the council’s consideration to the next meeting for deputy clerk. There will be a meeting at the capitol with legislators next Thursday.
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