Walking into the former shoe repair store at 106 Washington Street in downtown Decorah brings back a flood of memories, as it does to many boomers. If only the walls could talk, one has to wonder what stories they would tell. Now, a new chapter is being written. Kari L. Steinlage, owner of KL Design Co., revealed that the building, which dates back over 100 years, was home … [Read more...]
Root Family in Their Happy Place, Surrounded by Their Dream House on a Lovely Lot
Constructing your dream home is a thrilling journey filled with endless possibilities. However, it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety throughout the process. The Root family embraced every twist and turn, trusting in the journey’s unfolding while remaining dedicated to their vision. By allowing the experience to flow naturally and with patience, they discovered … [Read more...]
Why Hiring a Painter is the Right Choice
Few home improvements can change the look of a room faster and more affordably than a painting makeover. In fact, homeowners often turn to paint before they make any other renovations. Home Light, a real estate technology company, says painting a home’s interior can net a return on investment as high as 107 percent. Although painting is a project that can be tackled by … [Read more...]
How to Boost Home Value Before Selling
People considering buying or selling a home are facing a unique market. The real estate market has been in flux for several years, and high interest rates have made it more expensive to borrow. The Mortgage Bankers Association is projecting that 30-year mortgage rates will level out to 6.5 percent for the forseeable future. That means that people who have been waiting for … [Read more...]
How to Prepare Outdoor Spaces for Memorial Day Entertaining
Memorial Day weekend is a popular time to entertain. For many, the weekend marks the first outdoor entertaining opportunity of the year, which is certainly something to look forward to. As outdoor entertaining season begins, homeowners can take these steps to prepare their outdoor living spaces for the first big backyard get-together of the year. Break out the power … [Read more...]
How to Establish a Peaceful Backyard Retreat
Backyards have undergone quite a transformation over the last decade-plus. The days when patios and decks were all a backyard living space had to offer are largely a thing of the past, as homeowners have realized just how valuable it can be to commit to a stunning backyard. The real estate experts at Zillow estimate that homes with backyard features such as outdoor … [Read more...]
Signs of Pest Infestation in a Home
As any seasoned party host knows, guests can sometimes overstay their welcome. But what about guests that were never welcome in the first place? Pests can wreak havoc on a home, contributing to significant and costly damage and potentially exposing residents, particularly pets, to harmful illnesses. Pest infestation can occur any time of year, but homeowners may be most … [Read more...]
Tips for the Gardening Beginner
Gardening is a popular hobby all over the world. Ruby Home Luxury Real Estate estimates there are 71.5 million gardening households in the United States alone. That translates to around 185.9 million people engaged in some form of gardening, which places the U.S. among other countries where gardening is wildly popular, including Australia and China. A greater number of … [Read more...]
Chuck’s Feed & Grain – Same Name; New Owners
Chuck’s Feed & Grain has new owners — Terry Barth and Eric Nierstheimer. The duo have been doing extensive work at the former mill located at 427 Mill Street in Peterson since purchasing the business from Mike Eidenschink in March 2023. The milling equipment has been removed, the back of the building has been cleared out and is ready to be remodeled this spring and summer … [Read more...]
Did You Know?
The popularity of organic foods is undeniable. According to a 2021 survey from the Organic Trade Association, total sales of organic foods topped more than $60 billion in 2020. Data from Mercaris, which provides market insight and analysis on organics and non-GMO foods, supports that finding and indicates that organic food sales grew by 9% between 2009 and 2019. During that … [Read more...]
The Many Ways a Thriving Agricultural Sector is Beneficial
Inflation has been a hot topic for several years running. Many businesses have been forced to raise their prices in an effort to combat a host of variables, including materials costs, labor shortages and political uncertainty across the globe. That’s been hard on consumers’ and business owners’ pocketbooks, and precisely when inflation will simmer down remains a mystery. … [Read more...]
The Link Between Agriculture and Food Security
The world faces many unique challenges in the decades to come, including a rapidly expanding global population. The United Nations estimates that the global population will reach 9.71 billion in 2050. That’s an increase of more than 1.7 billion people between 2023 and 2050. Food security is among the more significant challenges the world will face as the population increases. … [Read more...]
Green Farming is Growing
Farmers have been pressured to increase production to meet the demand of a growing population. This may require employing more efficient measures to ensure maximum output. Unfortunately, efficiency doesn’t always mesh with sustainability, so commercial operations have had to make some modifications to find a balance between serving the public and protecting the planet. Green … [Read more...]
Steps Farmers Can Take to Combat Climate Change
Climate change is a challenge the world must confront together. Though people from all walks of life and in all corners of the world will be affected by rising global temperatures and the ripple effects of such increases, the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector figures to be especially significant. Farmers have been on the front lines in the fight against … [Read more...]
Strategies To Navigate The Agriculture Labor Shortage
Labor shortages can make it hard for any business owner to compete, and those working in the agricultural sector are no exception to that reality. The U.S. Senate Committee on Aging notes that the median age of farmers in the United States is 58, and more farmers are older than 65 than under 44. That doesn’t bode well for the future, but the labor shortages confronting the … [Read more...]