Area schools have unexpectedly experienced a major shift in the way they educate children. With the global threat of COVID-19 prevalent in 34 out of 87 counties in Minnesota, Governor Walz issued an executive order to temporarily close all schools from March 17, 2020, until March 27, 2020. On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, Walz announced that he was extending that executive … [Read more...]
Kingsland discusses SACC changes
On March 16, the Kingsland School Board met in regular session at 6:30 p.m., after a short emergency session to discuss changes due to the coronavirus. Members present included Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader. Superintendent James Hecimovich and Principal Scott Klavetter were also in attendance. Tiffany Mundfrom was … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Facility Survey to determine bond support
Mabel-Canton’s School Board held a special meeting on March 5 to discuss needed facility upgrades, and a possible bond referendum that would be voted upon later this year. Members present included Chris Miller, Cristal Adkins, Traci Livingood, Diane Wilder, Dustin Tollefsrud and Superintendent Gary Kuphal. Jason Marquardt participated from a remote location via an … [Read more...]
Kingsland Board takes “Funding 101”
On March 2, the Kingsland School Board met for their monthly “work session.” Members present included Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader. Superintendent James Hecimovich, Business Manager Amber uhlenhake and Principal Scott Klavetter were also in attendance. Tiffany Mundfrom was absent. The board heard a presentation … [Read more...]
Chatfield School Board hears coronavirus recommendations
The Chatfield School Board met in regular session on March 4. Board members present included Scott Backer, Amy Jeffers, Katie Priebe, and Rick Lowrey. Matt McMahon and Lanny Isensee were absent. Also attending were Superintendent Ed Harris, Lorri Lowrey (administrative assistant), Krista O’Connor (business manager), and Luann Klevan (Community Education … [Read more...]
Farm Babe Michelle Miller encourages students to speak up for agriculture
In celebration of National FFA Week, the Rushford-Peterson FFA chapter hosted Michelle Miller on February 27 in the high school auditorium. Miller, also known as the Farm Babe, is an internationally and nationally known speaker and columnist who is passionate about educating consumers about how their food is produced. Members of the public attended the presentation along with … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central enters negotiations with new superintendent
At their February 25 meeting, the Fillmore Central School Board approved a motion to enter into negotiations with Heath Olstad for the position of superintendent. Olstad will continue to serve as the high school principal, and the position of K-6 principal will be posted. Thanks were extended to Mrs. Biel, Ms. Lindstrom, and Mrs. Woellert for organizing the Breakfast Club … [Read more...]
Kingsland sets calendar for 2020-2021 school year
On February 20, all Kingsland School Board members (Board chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader) and Superintendent James Hecimovich were present for a regular meeting of the board. Superintendent Hecimovich presented the proposed 2020-2021 acedemic calendar, and the board unanimously approved it. In explaining a … [Read more...]
M-C School to conduct bond support survey
The February 18 meeting of the Mabel-Canton School Board included a discussion led by Superintendent Gary Kuphal regarding the option of contracting with a firm to conduct a community survey to help Mabel-Canton make decisions about a possible building bond referendum. Kuphal’s written statement to the board said, in part, “I feel we need the information from the survey in … [Read more...]
Chatfield School Board reaches tentative contract agreement with teachers
The following board members were present at the February 5, 2020, Chatfield School Board meeting: Amy Jeffers, Lanny Isensee, Katie Priebe, Matt McMahon and Rick Lowrey. Scott Backer was absent. Also present were Superintendent Ed Harris, Principals Shane McBroom and Randy Paulson, Krista O’Connor, business manager; Lorri Lowrey, administrative assistant, and student senate … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central sets 2020 board assignments
At the January 27 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, the board elected the board officers and set the committee assignments for 2020. Ross Kiehne was elected as chairperson, Craig Britton as vice-chair, Deb Ristau as clerk, Jennifer Pickett as vice-clerk, and Sue Sikkink as treasurer. Britton and Shelly Topness were appointed to the Community Education committee, Pickett to … [Read more...]
Minnesota farmers can nominate schools for $15,000 STEM grants
The America’s Farmers programs, sponsored by Bayer Fund, are back for another year to strengthen farming communities across Minnesota. Beginning January 1, America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education is partnering with farmers across the country to help strengthen rural public school districts through $15,000 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) grants. Since 2010, … [Read more...]
Lanesboro fills empty school board seat
At the January 23 Lanesboro School Board meeting, Sarah Peterson was sworn in as the newest member of the board. Peterson will fill the empty seat until the next election. Dave Lawstuen was elected as the board chair, Steve Snyder as the vice chair, Chris Troendle as the clerk, and Steve Storhoff as the treasurer. The board meetings will continue to be held on the third … [Read more...]
Robotics clubs growing in local schools
Robotics clubs are popping up in local schools, and students are benefiting with skills that can take them beyond high school into the work force. The Kingsland school district started their club in 2011. The team is known as the TEKnights and is affiliated with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), an organization that works to create and nurture … [Read more...]
Kingsland to host Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
On January 22, all Kingsland School Board members (Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader) were present for a regular meeting of the board. Superintendent James Hecimovich was absent. No citizens attended to address the board. Also, due to school being canceled for the day, student representatives were not in … [Read more...]