At the regular Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting on March 17, Kelly Smith, R-P school social worker, and Lindsey Olson, elementary counselor, shared the curriculum they are using with the elementary students this year. Random Acts of Kindness is MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support) program. Tier one includes all of the students schoolwide. Tier two is more targeted; … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Superintendent Rachel Udsteun Steps Down
After 15 years as Spring Grove School’s superintendent, Rachel Udstuen submitted her resignation at the March 17 Spring Grove School Board Meeting. With many thanks for her service to the school district, the board accepted her resignation effective June 30, 2025. In her letter of resignation, Udstuen reflected on her tenure, stating, “During my 15 years tenure as … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Board Grants Seniors 2.5 Days Off at End of the Year
The Mabel-Canton School Board granted the senior class’ request for 2 ½ days off at the end of the year in place of a class prank or a senior skip day at its meeting on March 18 Vice-chair Dustin Tollefsrud called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The board meeting followed the 6 p.m. community meeting regarding the upcoming bond referendum. Board members present included … [Read more...]
Maintenance Continues to Top the Agenda for Kingsland School Board
Superintendent Scott Klavetter gave the Kingsland School Board a facility maintenance update during their March 17 meeting. The plan for solar installations is moving forward with bids due on Monday, March 24. “Those will come in and whoever is the winning bid will start working in the month of April on the grant application on the school district’s behalf. They will … [Read more...]
Caledonia School Board Fills Vacant Board Position
Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, March 17 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present included Peterson, Julie Augedahl, Melissa Marschall and Spencer Yohe. Board members absent were Derek Adamson and Leigh King. District … [Read more...]
Houston Robotics Presents at School Board Meeting
The Houston Robotics program came from a humble beginning in 2014 with a storage space in a closet in the shop classroom. At the Houston School Board meeting March 6, Coach Bob Carlson and students William Carlson and John Lee demonstrated their most recent robot to the board. The robotics team had just recently returned from a three-day regional tournament held in Duluth. … [Read more...]
Chatfield School Board Approves Proposed Budget Reductions
At the March 12, 2025, school board meeting, board members David Sovinski, Josh Thompson, Tom Keefe, Jill Harstad and Mark Johnsrud and Katie Priebe were present. Also present were Superintendent Ed Harris, principals Eric Nelson and Shane McBroom, and Student Senate representatives Lexi Kivimagi and Lucy Allen. Reports Student Senate representatives explained that they … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Board Hears HVED Update
Deb Marcotte, executive director of HVED, attended the Lanesboro School Board regular meeting March 12 to update the board on the progress on the remodel of the former Winona Mall into a centralized location for HVED services. HVED (Hiawatha Valley Education District) provides special education services to area schools. Marcotte informed the board that she is putting a … [Read more...]
M-C Superintendent Kuphal Addresses Canton Council on Bond Referendum
The Canton City Council met at 6 p.m. on the beautiful spring evening of March 12. After approving the consent agenda, the board heard from Mabel-Canton Superintendent Gary Kuphal regarding the upcoming bond referendum for the M-C district. The previous referendum passed in 2020 didn’t go as far as they had planned due to post pandemic inflation on building materials, and … [Read more...]
Kingsland School Board Talks Budgets, Roofs and Referendums
The Kingsland School Board kicked off their February 18 meeting with Spring Valley-Wykoff FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter representative Cody Howard who gave an update on the chapter’s busy month. The chapter made and delivered valentines to the elementary students. Max Erdman, Seth Howard and Ira Schmidt got their Minnesota State FFA degrees in February. They will … [Read more...]
R-P Looks to Future Needs
At the Rushford-Peterson School Board regular meeting on February 26, the board approved a proposal to allow ATSR to come into the school to see what people see as future needs for the school. ATSR Planners/Architects/Engineers is a company that does 98% of its work with schools. It has worked with R-P since 2011 and designed the current school. The board approved Phase 1 … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central SAC Kids’ Artwork Published
At the February 26 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Harmony resident Aaron Bishop asked if the board had any thoughts or plans in case the Department of Education is limited, altered, or discontinued. Superintendent Heath Olstad responded that there are many unknowns and no details to share currently. “I am confident at this time that the State of Minnesota has always … [Read more...]
Bond Referendum Meetings Announced, Donations Acknowledged by M-C Board
The dates for two bond referendum informational meetings were announced at the February 18 Mabel-Canton School Board meeting. The first will be held on February 19 at the Canton Town Hall; the second will be held March 11 in Mabel. Both meetings will start at 6 p.m. The board graciously thanked Joanne Hosting for a $5,000 donation in memory of Mike Hosting. The donation will … [Read more...]
College News
Graduates List Fall 2024 Iowa State University: Konnor Kivimagi, Chatfield, BS, Electrical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude Minnesota State University, Mankato: Mick Bullerman, Caledonia, BS, Aviation, Magna Cum Laude; Rebecca Fox, Chatfield, BS, Corrections; Alexandra Hanson, Chatfield, BS, Dental Hygiene, Summa Cum Laude; Zachery Haugerud, Harmony, BS, Management, and … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Schools Hires Own Business Manager
At their regular meeting February 12, the Lanesboro School Board approved the hiring of Garrett Stadsvold as its full-time business manager beginning February 16. Stadsvold will work four days a week on site and remotely the remaining day. This approval came immediately after the board cancelled a contract for such services with School Management Services (SMS) which originally … [Read more...]