In the Monday, December 12, 2022, issue of the Fillmore County Journal, the article titled “Wanted: snowmobile club members,” listed a number of local snowmobile clubs. The Valley Crest Riders Snowmobile Club of Rushford, Minn., was inadvertently excluded from the list of area snowmobile clubs. We apologize for this error. The Valley Crest Riders Snowmobile Club is responsible … [Read more...]
An incorrect time is noted at the end of the article titled “Rushford Village hammers out hall rental agreement,” on page 28 of the November 21, 2022, issue of the Fillmore County Journal. The meeting of the Truth in Taxation meeting on December 6 is at 7:30 p.m., not 6:30 p.m. as stated. We apologize for the error. … [Read more...]
A correction is being made to the November 14, 2022, Fillmore County Journal issue, in the page 11 article titled “Preston adopts asessment rolls for Maple St. and Circle Heights Dr. improvements.” In the fifth paragraph, it should state that the owner of the Branding Iron at that time (1985) was assessed for the property improvement. The residential property was not assessed … [Read more...]
In the September 19, 2022, article on page 27, “Whalan council approves 2023 preliminary budget,” it was stated that the council will ask the city attorney to draw up a preliminary draft of an electric utility agreement between the City of Fountain and MiEnergy. It should have stated, “the preliminary draft of an electric utility agreement between the City of Whalan and … [Read more...]
In the Fillmore County Journal’s special Emergency Response Team section of the September 12, 2022, issue, on page 1 it was incorrectly stated that the city of Houston had paid for the training of Houston’s new EMTs. The Houston American Legion Post 423 actually generously donated all funds necessary to cover 100% of the training, a total of over $16,000. The city of Houston … [Read more...]
Corrections to Fillmore County Fair Open Class results
Fine Arts Champion: Bryce Fussy, Spring Valley Vegetable Gardening Grand Champion: Monica Ortner, Harmony Reserve Grand Champion: Jenny Dornink, Preston Apiarian Reserve Grand Champion: Dave Carlin, Lanesboro Canning Grand Champion: Ken Fetterly, Spring Valley Reserve Grand Champion: Eunice Biel, Harmony Baked Products Reserve Grand Champion: Isla Eickhoff, … [Read more...]
Two corrections for the July 25, 2022, Senior Living section articles are as follows: In the article titled “Bertram Boyum’s fountain of youth,” on page three, the sentence should have stated that Bertram drives to Preston often to visit his daughter Loretta, who lives in assisted living. His daughter Donna lives in Colorado. In the article titled “Thompson always ready for a … [Read more...]
An article on page 19 of the July 11, 2022, issue of the Fillmore County Journal, titled “Wednesdays are fun in Spring Valley” incorrectly stated that the events are coordinated by the EDA. The article should have stated, “The events are coordinated by the Spring Valley Business Alliance.” We apologize for the error. … [Read more...]
In the May 30, 2022, edition of the Fillmore County Journal on page 28, the article titled “Chatfield moves forward on financing of water and sewer improvements,” one bank was mentioned as being a buyer of the bonds. Clarification is made that even though there is one buyer, F&M Bank, Root River State Bank is purchasing $425,000 and First State Bank of Fountain is … [Read more...]
A correction is made to the May 2, 2022, article on page 23, titled “Appeal and Equalization meeting held in Caledonia.” The first sentence in the New Business section should have read, “The council approved the change to the compensation offer for the city clerk/administrator applicant. Based on experience, the offer will go from step 1 to step 2 of pay grade 12, increasing … [Read more...]
In the April 25, 2022, article “City of Rushford Village values PWD Trenten Chiglo,” the second paragraph should have stated, “Chiglo had recently earned his Water Class D certification and has gotten his CDL, paying for it on his own. The city will be reimbursing him for the CDL cost. He is on track to get his sewer certification this fall. Previously the council had decided … [Read more...]
In the April 25, 2022, issue of the Fillmore County Journal, in the article titled “Poll pads or paper,” the correct dates for the hazardous waste collection in Houston County are May 14, 2022, and August 13, 2022. The event in May will be held at the recycling center in Houston and the August event will be held in La Crescent. We apologize for the error. … [Read more...]
In the R-P School Board article on page one of the November 22 Fillmore County Journal, the following was stated: “In other business, the board approved a resolution to combine polling places; this must be done yearly to avoid the necessity and expense of running 15 different polling places across the district. Next year the only polling place will be at the City of Rushford … [Read more...]
The October 25 Fillmore County Journal article “Paul Novotny pilots Kernza,” was unclear regarding the planting and harvest time for Kernza. Nicki Wheeler, the Water Management Coordinator for Fillmore County SWCD, contacted the Fillmore County Journal and clarified that Kernza is planted in the fall and harvested the following late summer or early fall of the following year. … [Read more...]
In the September 6 Fillmore County Journal, the report on the Fountain City Council meeting held September 1 contained two errors. City Clerk Mary Tjepkes gave information about Fountain’s parking ordinance and open container law to the local police, not to the bar owner. Also, the council passed Resolution #362 regarding the tax levy, not Resolution #359. We regret any … [Read more...]