By Anne Koliha, Technician There is a potential for anyone, regardless of where you live in Fillmore County (farm, small town, city) to have one or more wells on your property. It may not be your main water source. It could have been there from prior to city water connection. Maybe it was there for secondary buildings, barns or use in watering lawn and gardens. As part … [Read more...]
Public meetings on invasive weeds along the Root River
Please come join us for two public meetings being held on November 29, 2018, to talk about invasive plant species – such as Japanese hops – along the Root River. The first meeting will be held from 3-5 p.m. at the MiEnergy building 31110 Cooperative Way, City of Rushford Village, Minn. The second meeting will be held at the Houston County Nature Center, 215 W Plum St, Houston, … [Read more...]
SWCD Forestry Field Day is July 25 in Rushford Why trees? Why prairie? Why goats?
On July 25, 2018, the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be hosting a field day to explore how terrain, soils and aspect affect timber productivity, the types of plant communities found on a site, and identifying trees and plants that will thrive depending on the site conditions. The field day will be held at Magelssen Bluff Park in Rushford. The event … [Read more...]
SWCD sponsors wildflower walk May 31 at Forestville State Park
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is sponsoring a wildflower walk on Thursday, May 31 at 6 p.m. at Forestville State Park. Meet at the park picnic shelter, which is about a mile east of the park office. One-day parking permits will be provided at no charge to the visitor. A light snack will be provided. The event is open to the public, and … [Read more...]
Fillmore SWCD celebrates 63rd Soil and Water Stewardship Week
No one can deny the love Minnesotans have for their rivers and lakes and the great outdoors. For over 70 years, Minnesota’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) have been hard at work protecting our resources by working with landowners on programs and practices that support conservation and healthy working lands. The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) … [Read more...]
Water quality clinic set for February 24
The National Trout Center (NTC) and Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will team up again this year for a well and stream water quality testing clinic. Bring as many water samples as you’d like tested from local wells, springs, ponds, streams and rivers to the NTC in Preston on Saturday, February 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The testing is free and samples will … [Read more...]
Resetting the topsoil trap Fillmore SWCD project restores capacity of 1955 flood control structure
The centerpiece of one of the first farmer-led conservation efforts in the U.S., a dam built in the 1950s to protect Preston from flooding, is being restored to its original capacity. The dam southwest of town maintained its flood-control function. But in 60-plus years, 15,000 cubic yards of topsoil filled the settling pond behind the earthen dike. By excavating that 7- to … [Read more...]
SWCD program highlights honey bees
On August 8, the Fillmore SWCD sponsored a Prairie Walk at the Savanna Spring Nature Area in Chatfield. One of the featured speakers was Joshua Burgess, a beekeeper from Marion, who spoke about his honey business and the importance of native prairies for producing honey and other crops and food products. August 19 was National Honey Bee Day, a day designated for educating the … [Read more...]
SWCD Prairie Walk August 8 at Savanna Spring Nature Area
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be hosting a Prairie Walk on Tuesday, August 8 at the Savanna Spring Nature Area located near the high school on the north edge of Chatfield along Highway 52. A light supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. followed by a walking tour through the native prairie at 6 p.m. Presenters will be Tim Gossman and Debbie … [Read more...]
SWCD forestry field day at Forestville State Park July 26
On July 26, 2017, the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be hosting a field day to explore the benefits of using fire for vegetation management at Forestville State Park, 21071 County 118, Preston, Minn. The event is being held in partnership with MN DNR, MN Tree Farm Association, MN Forestry Association and High Point Realty. The tour will begin at 6 … [Read more...]
SWCD offers many services for livestock producers
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) provides many services to livestock producers, many of which are free of charge. The technical and financial assistance from the SWCD can help improve the efficiency of a farming operation, maintain soil productivity, and improve water quality. • Nutrient/Manure Management: John Boyum is the SWCD Nutrient Management … [Read more...]
SWCD celebrates 75th anniversary with conservation tour and meal
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. In 1942, all of Fillmore County gained access to resources to help control soil erosion with the establishment of the West Fillmore Soil Conservation District. The East Fillmore District had been established in 1940 and covered just the east half of the county. In … [Read more...]
SWCD sponsors wildflower walk May 6 near Choice
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is sponsoring a wildflower walk on Saturday, May 6 at 10 a.m. at the Choice Wildlife Management Area located four miles east of Choice on County Road 13 (watch for yellow WMA signs). Park along the road past the second bridge from Choice over the South Fork of the Root River. The event is open to the public, and … [Read more...]
World Water Day is March 22: Why waste water?
Submitted by the Fillmore SWCD in celebration of our 75th Anniversary The United Nations (UN) has designated the 22nd of March each year as World Water Day. The 2017 theme is “Why Waste Water?” which is about reducing and reusing wastewater. All of us have learned about the water cycle, so we know that water is recycled over and over again. All the water that was on … [Read more...]
Free radon and nitrate testing Feb. 28 through Fillmore County Public Health and SWCD
Radon gas is found in homes. Radon gas can cause lung cancer. The only way to know if you have radon is to test your home. To obtain a free kit, contact Fillmore County Public Health at (507) 765-2636 or stop by Marzolf Implement, 1221 S. Section Ave., Spring Valley, on Tuesday, February 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fillmore County residents may also have nitrates in their … [Read more...]