By Riley Buley Fillmore SWCD secured funding to treat 0.85 miles of stream banks along Maple Creek against the invasive knotweed. Originally brought to the U.S. as an ornamental plant, knotweed can cause harm to stream-bed areas and overcrowd native vegetation. It is a bamboo-like plant with broad leaves and white flowers that can reach over 10 feet in height. Knotweed … [Read more...]
In Fillmore County, No Livestock Operation is Too Big or Too Small for NRCS and SWCD Staff
By Jessica Bronson District Conservation, USDA/NRCS This past summer, Dean Thomas, SE Grazing Specialist, helped develop a grazing system that has 250 cow/calf pairs. The EQIP participant converted their expiring CRP land into a new rotational grazing system and Dean was able to use his knowledge and personal experience to help this producer with developing the … [Read more...]
What’s in My Drinking Water?
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommends testing your private well water every year for coliform bacteria. This test can indicate if other infectious bacteria, viruses, or parasites may be in your water supply. The Fillmore SWCD is an accredited lab by the MDH for the analysis of bacteria in your drinking water. We are local, convenient, and can give you timely … [Read more...]
How’s My Waterway?
By Riley Buley, Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District, District Administrator Fillmore SWCD gets asked regularly about the status of local waterways. What are the current impairments? What stream sections are improving and which ones are getting worse? As it turns out, these questions on the status of local waterways are raised by communities nationwide. In … [Read more...]
Are You Ready for Nutrient Management?
By Sara West Nutrient Management Specialist, Fillmore SWCD Would you like help creating a nutrient management plan for your farming operation? With the help of the Fillmore County SWCD, we can come up with a nutrient management plan before the new growing season arrives. By taking the time to understand your needs, goals and objectives related to nutrients on your … [Read more...]
By Sara West Nutrient Management Specialist, Fillmore SWCD Be sure to check buffers along protected waters come spring. Since the buffer law was implemented in the fall of 2017, Fillmore County typically exceeds 99% compliance throughout the county. I would like to commend the landowners that have put in extra time and effort to keep the buffers on their … [Read more...]
Sixth Grade Conservation Day
By Theresa Baker Administrative Assistant Fillmore SWCD October 3, 2024, marked Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District’s 37th year of offering the Fillmore County sixth graders to come and spend the day at Forestville State Park and learn about natural resources with in our county. This year we had approximately 128 students from Fillmore Central, Kingsland and … [Read more...]
Registration Renewals for Feedlot Producers
Livestock producers in Fillmore County who need to renew their registrations should have or will be receiving notice for updating their feedlot registrations for 2025. Fillmore County currently has 568 registered feedlots. Feedlots with 50 or more animal units, or 10 or more animal units in shoreland areas, are required to register. Registration information includes … [Read more...]
Soil Erosion
By Doug Keene If erosion is visible, it exceeds tolerable soil loss limits and it is time to address the issue. We can pay up to $0.90 on the dollar to assist producers with the installation of practices to reduce soil and water runoff allowing you to keep productive soils in place for future generations. In 2024, $190,737 State and $1,025,153 of Federal (EQIP) funds … [Read more...]
Gary and Sandy Klinski Named 2024 Outstanding Conservationists
By Jean Meiners The Root River Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is proud to announce that Gary and Sandy Klinski have been awarded the 2024 Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Outstanding Conservationist. The MASWCD recognizes individuals for outstanding accomplishments with implementing conservation practices and improving Minnesota’s … [Read more...]
Land protection and management opportunities workshop March 18
The Root River SWCD, Fillmore SWCD, and the MN Land Trust are partnering to present an informational workshop to local landowners who have an interest in conserving their land and protecting it for future generations. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 18 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Rushford Fire Hall in Rushford, Minn. There will be information presented on a … [Read more...]
Communication is key to nutrient management
By Sara West Nutrient Management Specialist Farming is an incredibly busy and complex business where you rely on others for their professional advice with the assumption that they have the same goals in mind as you. Communication is key in the success of any business including your farming operation. Nutrient Management is probably one of the more complex divisions of … [Read more...]
Conserving your land for future generations
By Aaren Mathison Conservation Technician Are you interested in protecting the natural resources on your land? Is your land home to an abundance of wildlife and plant diversity? Maybe you want to protect your land from development in the future? If you answered yes to any of these questions, a conservation easement may be right for you. Conservation easements are … [Read more...]
Impacting conservation in the roll of SWCD supervisor
The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors are elected officials who serve a four-year term and are elected in the general election. The office of supervisor is a nonpartisan office and each supervisor represents their entire district. Supervisors meet monthly, discussing the business of the SWCD, setting conservation priorities, … [Read more...]
Time for tree planting – District Tree Program
By Sue Wiegrefe, Administrative Assistant Most people can relate to the relief of stepping into the shade of a tree on a hot summer day. There are many less-obvious benefits of trees in our landscapes – for instance, their role in reducing noise, air pollution, and wind erosion. Their role in removing carbon dioxide from the air and holding it in solid form helps slow … [Read more...]