An ACT score. The size of a pair of jeans. The GPA recorded at the top of a report card. A reading on the scale. The capacity of the group of friends chosen to surround oneself with. The sum of a paycheck received every two weeks. A listing of likes on a social media post. The total points the all-star scores in a sports game. The amount of birthdays under one’s … [Read more...]
If you want to change things…
One of the gifts of living in a representative democracy is that voting is only one of the rights it confers. For ordinary people who want to make change — who in some way want to alter their neighborhood or town or state or even the nation — the promise exists that by dint of their own efforts they can do so. This is a precious gift. But it is not an easy one to enjoy. Even … [Read more...]
Minnesota? Nice.
Minnesota has gone “blue” in every Presidential election since 1976. Three times since, it has been the only state out of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and both Dakotas to vote Democratic. In 1984, as quipped by Homer Simpson, Minnesota was the only state won by Walter Mondale, not counting the District of Columbia. In 2010, when the rest of the country went under a red tide … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate…Humanizing
As many of you already know from previous articles, I give tours to the public. At the beginning of every cave tour, I go through a regular spiel, giving my name, going over rules, and encouraging questions. I don’t fully understand the reason for my joy of a guest getting my attention by calling me by name, but it exists nonetheless. Remembering “faces and names and … [Read more...]
It’s what we do that counts
I’ve been reminded recently of the old cowboy song, Home on the Range. You know the line, “Where never is heard a discouraging word”? That is not the United States right now. It feels like pretty much everywhere I turn, all I hear is discouragement. Our institutions of government are paralyzed. We face serious national problems with no effective response in sight — or even, in … [Read more...]
Letter about Shooter accomplices…
To the Editor, “He must have had an accomplice!” they say of the Vegas mass murderer. “How could he have done it otherwise?” Of course he had accomplices! He had the NRA, the gun lobbyists, the gun nuts and gun culture, Senators and Congressmen and their lax gun laws and their cowardice before their big billionaire donors. He had the American romance with the gun and the … [Read more...]
Letter about Rebuttal on Jeff Erding’s essay on technocrats…
To the Editor, Mr. Erding is quite disturbed that we in America now have unruly people protesting. I assume he is including the Tea Party of a few years past in his criticism. He then states there is a worldwide effort by mega rich wealthy elitists to achieve world domination. Again I assume he is including the Koch brothers, mega corporations too large to fail and the one … [Read more...]
What do you do all day?
The hardest thing I do is wake up in the morning. I figure I know how Lazarus felt when he was raised from the dead! As I struggle to become conscious, I pass through a field of dreams inhabited by shadowy figures. One morning as I woke I heard a jingle of female voices singing a happy little song. (Did I mention I watch too much television?) It seems even my dreams are … [Read more...]
Tyranny of the technocrats
Having been absent from the pages of FCJ for several months, many readers have asked me why. Two main reasons: One, I thought people would enjoy a break from political discussion. Two, The subject I really wanted to share was difficult to broach because it flies beneath the notice of almost everyone. A couple weeks ago I sent an editorial about it to a large local paper and … [Read more...]
Creation alone!
By Aaron Swartzentruber Greenleafton, MN Athiests or evolutionists who flat out reject God and Creation is one thing, God have mercy on them and open their blind eyes, but what is worse yet is that there are now many “professing Christians” who are trying to mingle evolution with creation. Evolution is the Devil’s work, it’s no different than when he said to Eve, “hath … [Read more...]
Election reform is about more than fraud
A dozen years ago, the preface to a report on federal election reform began with these words: “Polls indicate that many Americans lack confidence in the electoral system, but the political parties are so divided that serious electoral reform is unlikely without a strong bipartisan voice.” I can find no part of that sentence that’s not still true. Americans still lack … [Read more...]
Letter to President Trump
Dear Mr. Trump: As most of us know, your childish, hateful acts of cruelty and divisiveness have been legion over the past couple of years. Just to name a few of the worst: There is your insulting John McCain as not being a war hero, dishonoring a Muslim Gold Star family whose son gave his life in Afghanistan to save the lives of his fellow soldiers, spreading the ugly, … [Read more...]
Baby teeth matter
As anyone who has chipped a tooth knows, dental issues are distracting. Imagine having to be in elementary school and embarrassed to smile for school photos, unable to enjoy snack time, and unable to concentrate in class because of untreated cavities. Unfortunately, this is the reality for too many kids. Dental caries, or cavities, are the leading chronic disease among … [Read more...]
Putting farm safety into practice…on a budget
When money is tight agricultural producers often have to make difficult decisions. Sometimes those decisions are made to the detriment of farm safety improvements or practices. But they do not have to be. Even when money is tight, you can always get better at the little things. 1. Fix lights and slow moving vehicle signs. Lights and slow moving vehicle (SMV) signs are cheap. … [Read more...]
Dr. Changelove Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the future
First off, I feel an apology is in order. In my last column, I referenced a Pew Research article that listed Baby Boomers as people who were listed as being ages 51-69 and the article was written in 2016. I did some quick subtraction and came up with 1947, but I noticed later that the article has the Boomer generation written as beginning in 1946, not 1947. This is probably a … [Read more...]