By Aaron Swartzentruber Greenleafton, MN In John chapter 14:2-3 Jesus says, “In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.” According to Jesus’ own words, He’s alive. Because a dead … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate…Students and teachers
On March 24 we saw the students’ “March for our Lives” promoting safe schools and environments conducive for learning. Resultantly, there’s much talk concerning closing gun show loopholes, improving background checks, raising the age non-military trained persons can purchase firearms, and funding for resource officers and/or arming teachers in schools. These are all debatable … [Read more...]
Want to help the world? Resolve conflicts
In a world riven by tension, there’s one skill that stands above all others: the ability to resolve conflict. It is the paramount challenge of our time. There are so many divisions that fracture our communities, states, and nations, that the ability to create common ground — to bring people together, rather than drive them apart — has become an indispensable political need. … [Read more...]
Letter about The Pope’s words…
To the Editor, It was recently reported in an Italian newspaper that the Pope stated there was no hell and that bad souls would only disappear. Since this is coming from the head of the Catholic Church, I am very concerned. If he was misquoted or misunderstood, then he should have immediately come out to decry the misunderstanding of his words. Instead, the Vatican gave a … [Read more...]
Letter about Houston County Commissioners…
To the Editor, There are some Houston County commissioners who feel the need for an administrator. One commissioner stated that it will ONLY cost Houston County $150,000.00. I reiterate, that is only the beginning. I surmise the administrator will need an administrative assistant or two, with insurance, vacation, sick leave, retirement, etc., then they will need to have … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… I’m praying for a rebellion
Nearly every generation rebels against their parents in some way, even with subtleties. To me, the most notable rebellion is what resulted in the hippies of the late 1960s. And, I think we are due for another generation of hippies. But, the next generation of hippies won’t necessarily be dancing around half-baked at a rain swelled muddy concert at Woodstock. They will be … [Read more...]
It’s time to act on Chronic Wasting Disease
By John Zanmiller Director of External Relations Bluffland Whitetails Assn. West St. Paul and Granger, MN Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). If you’re not a hunter you may never have heard of this disease that has been detected in Minnesota’s deer. But it’s here, and it could cause a major change in the lives of more than just deer and hunters. We need the legislature to have … [Read more...]
Preserving our farming heritage and investing in the future
Despite the occasional snowflake, spring is officially at our doorstep. While many of us spend the winter months hibernating, farmers have been busy planning for the season and are now awaiting the day when they can prepare the soil and get crops in the ground. We will soon start to see green sprouts in fields all across southern Minnesota, a visual testament to the prevalence … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Why did Facebook use print media?
Over the past several weeks, many of our readers have probably heard about the data privacy issues relating to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, and how the information from more than 50 million Facebook users was utilized to influence the election that resulted in Donald Trump claiming the title of President of the United States of America. Yes, Facebook made all user … [Read more...]
Letter about Panko’s misconceptions…
To the Editor, Herb Panko has a few misconceptions and fallacies of his own! (FCJ March 26, 2018) Panko claims Mary was “with child without clear knowledge of who the father was.” The Bible claims Joseph did “what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” (Matthew 1:24). Joseph took Mary as his wife right after she had become pregnant, so why … [Read more...]
More comments from the “Old Soldier”
By Ron Scheevel Preston, MN As most of you know, the veterans of Fillmore County are continuing our efforts for a veterans home in Fillmore County. Our committees have held many local meetings, had site tours and have met with various State and Federal legislators and their staffs. The funding to move this project forward would be a State bond for 10 million dollars for … [Read more...]
Pursuing the American dream
My husband and I arrived in Minneapolis on a rainy afternoon on April 14, 1965. We were pulling a trailer with all our worldly belongings. We had left behind what had been my home for 30 years, 15 miles North of Philadelphia, and were heading to Glenn’s parents’ home where we planned to start a new life. As we drove along Minnehaha Creek, I looked down the steep incline to … [Read more...]
Letter about Our commissioners need to listen to everyone…
To the Editor, At a recent meeting of the commissioners of Houston County, a resolution from the Houston County Township Association was presented to the commissioners. It was met with an attack on it and the townships. Instead of an informational statement as it was intended. Why do some of the commissioners refuse to accept that there are voters and other elected officials … [Read more...]
A message of faith
By Rev. Loel Wessel Spring Valley, MN Herb Panko is in good company when he regards the dying and rising of Jesus as fiction. (FCJ, March 26, 2018). The women who went to Jesus’ tomb on Sunday morning following his crucifixion were looking for a dead body too. When they reported to the disciples that Jesus’ grave was empty and an angel said “He is not here; he is risen as … [Read more...]
New Testament misconceptions and fallacies
Since there are frequent articles in the FCJ on religion, specifically on Christianity and by writers who claim the authenticity of their own beliefs at the exclusion of all other views, perhaps it is time to look at such opinions objectively. There are many misconceptions and fallacies the average person has about Christian doctrine and history, but one misconception seems to … [Read more...]