Every so often, I jot down a list of the things that discourage me about our country. There’s the widespread disregard for our core values of tolerance and mutual respect, for instance. Our declining national optimism. Our relaxed attitude toward fixing our election machinery, overseeing financial institutions, and making sure that our key democratic institutions and processes … [Read more...]
Concerning education
Education is the engine that will take us into the future. It is the journey of discovery of the world around us and our own inner world where we explore our own creative impulses. Education is the venue where we pursue truth and facts and attempt to balance reason and passion. It is the cradle of Democracy. If we hope to confront the problems of our time we need to make it … [Read more...]
Open letter to taxpayers and citizens of Lanesboro about important current issues relating to city infrastructure and finances
By Peggy Hanson Lanesboro, MN (Note – although this letter is specific to Lanesboro, it is fair to say that most if not all the small towns in our area are struggling with the issue of aging infrastructure. Financial assistance from the state has been declining and there is continuing inaction at the federal level. Are we adequately preparing for the future?) I write … [Read more...]
Common good vs. Self interest
By Dr. Bryan Van Gorp Rushford, MN Citizenship requires commitment to the common good. People we honor, further the common good. President Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Jesus directed people to feed the hungry, take in the stranger, cloth the poor, care for the sick and visit those in prison. Jesus said, … [Read more...]
Addressing the child care shortage
In 2016 Minnesotans were alerted to the fact that there is a serious lack of child care slots in our state leading to a “quiet crisis,” according to a report that year from the Center for Rural Policy and Development. It is clear two years later this crisis is no longer so quiet. A recent article from Minnesota Public Radio highlighted real stories from providers who are … [Read more...]
Who is your leader?
By Aaron Swartzentruber Greenleafton, MN “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him, and for him.” (Colossians 1:16) If you go back to verse 13, you’ll find that the “him” in this verse is Jesus Christ. All things … [Read more...]
Democrat desperation
Recent events are creating a tough situation for Democrats. Robert Mueller’s Russian Investigative team suffered two stinging rebukes from federal judges last week. One judge accused Mueller prosecutors of wasting his time by being unprepared for trial. The other judge accused Mueller’s team of exceeding the parameters of their mandate by looking for ways to “take down” … [Read more...]
Massive hog feedlot proposed in Fillmore County
Catalpa LLC proposes to build the largest hog confinement operation in FIllmore County to house 4,980 sows. The partnership includes an Iowa agribusiness and a Newburg Township farmer. Because an adult swine produces ten times as much fecal waste as a human, this single operation would produce more waste than twice the entire 20,000 population of Fillmore County—like adding a … [Read more...]
Wait loss
Okay! Time to write my article. The wife is working nights, which means I’m home with the kids, but how hard can it be? The readers need to hear my blockbuster commentary on... wait... no, honey, we can’t have pancakes again for dinner. Because we had them last night. Because we have to eat different things. Because that’s how we stay healthy. Because being healthy is good for … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… The words of graduates
In this issue of the Fillmore County Journal, our readers will find a special section dedicated to the Class of 2018. Every year, this is an enormous project involving all seven school districts in our circulation area. Collectively, there are upwards of 300 students graduating from Chatfield, Fillmore Central, Houston, Kingsland, Lanesboro, Mabel-Canton, and … [Read more...]
Letter about Catalpa LLC mega-facility…
To the Editor, Thank you to Loni Kemp for alerting readers to the Catalpa LLC pig concentration mega-facility proposed in the Newburg area. 4,980 sows packed together like sardines and a nearly nine million gallon manure pit! Uffda. This proposal cannot be taken lightly by those of us who live in the fractured rock of karst country. The magnitude of a manure spill from … [Read more...]
Media burdens run two ways
I was chatting with a group of students the other day when one of them looked me in the eye and commented, “You’re very tough on journalists.” I had to plead guilty. Of course I’m tough on journalists. Maybe even as tough on them as they are on politicians. Our representative democracy depends on journalists doing their jobs. Why? Because it’s essential that citizens get the … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate…Be Here Now
Earlier this May, I watched helplessly as part of the community I have been a part of for more than a decade was incinerated by molten rock in Leilani, Hawaii. It happened both very quickly and slowly. Agonizingly slowly. Cracks under homes and streets opened up and lava erupted out, flooding Leilani in molten rock over days. To lose a home in a tornado, hurricane, or flood … [Read more...]
Letter about No proof needed…
To the Editor, I’ve read both of Mr. Herb Panko’s commentaries from March 26 and May 7. His first presupposition in the March 26 commentary sets the tone for everything. I am sure many of the readers caught this sleight of phrase: “Since there are frequent articles in the FCJ on religion, specifically on Christianity and by writers who claim the authenticity of their own … [Read more...]
Letter about Response to anti-gun letters published…
To the Editor, First off, AR-15 style firearms are more appropriately termed “modern sporting rifles” used by hunters. Next, modern sporting rifles are not assault weapons. An assault weapon is an automatic military arm used in battle. Automatic firearms have been severely restricted since 1934. Next, MSRs function like other semi-automatic sporting firearms by firing … [Read more...]