The Gilets Jaunes, or “Yellow Vest” demonstrations began in France on November 17 and were initially a protest of rising petroleum taxes. At about $6.30/gal already, this impending rise of $0.17/gal was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My partner and I were in France for the first month of these citizen-led disruptions. From the news snippets I have seen, it appears as … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… I0 years and 103 miles
November 22, 2018, marked the 10-year anniversary of when it all began. Back in 2009, Jim Peters, Craig Britton, Jason Schwarz, Ross Kiehne, and myself scheduled Saturday morning runs on the bike trail. We’d usually aim for running five miles each time. We’d run at a talking pace, and it was a refreshing way to solve the world’s problems. For me, running has always cleared … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project… Fight against hegemonic masculinity
By Pailey Gordon Hegemonic masculinity has become a pressing problem that I have seen since I have entered high school. Every day it seems to be pushed upon the male population that certain things mean you are weak and certain things make you strong; even though some things do not necessarily mean you are weak, it means you are compassionate and caring. So, what even is … [Read more...]
Response to interview with a pig
By Dr. Ross Kiehne Swine Veterinarian Harmony, MN In response to: Interview with a Pig As a veterinarian focusing exclusively on pig welfare and health for over 19 years, I have dedicated my life to helping farmers raise pigs in the most humane, healthy and sustainable way possible. I am proud of the role I play and the producers whom I have the privilege to work beside. My … [Read more...]
Brain dead leadership or soul cancer? To the Editor,
Jeff Erding thinks more logging and grazing would make a real difference in the battle against California wildfires and it might help a little. Trump’s idea to “rake” California’s 33 million acres of forest tells everyone he is a truly ignorant and stupid man. Different forest species and environments need various management plans. Surprisingly, it’s also true that logged … [Read more...]
Management of chronic wasting disease
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has planned two special deer hunts this month aimed at limiting the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The two hunts are planned for areas south of Interstate 90 in southeastern Minnesota where residents and non-residents can hunt with a permit from December 21-23 and December 28-30. According to the DNR, reducing deer numbers … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project Spreading the wealth
By Katrina Bergey My mom frequently is reminding me of a simple quote by Abraham Lincoln. “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” That saying is incredibly true and I try to regularly remind myself of this. I think most people would agree that in the end you remember the things that bring you … [Read more...]
Wildfires in the west; graze it, log it, or watch it burn!
Forest fires have wreaked devastation recently. Millions of acres have burned in western states, Alaska, and provinces in Canada and have caused unacceptable loss of life, both human and animal, and billions in property damage. But what about pollution? According to research by Zachary Gerber published in the winter issue of Range, California wildfires in 2017 emitted over 1 … [Read more...]
A sensible pathway towards reducing mass murders
After the recent mass murders in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and at the Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, solutions for preventing such horrific events were abundant —stricter background checks, requiring a license to own a firearm, expansion of mental health services, especially for those prone to violence, and many more. While these corrective actions all have merit and should be … [Read more...]
Minnesota’s two Bad Dads
Years ago, I gave local governors nicknames, because this is what people do when they can’t afford a social life. Iowa’s was Governor Mustache for obvious reasons, and the Wisconsin governor, well... his name wasn’t really printable. Minnesota had Governor Awkward, the guy who you know is just trying his best to help, but never seems to be able to look cool doing it. Now, with … [Read more...]
Interview with a pig
By Lynne Farmer Rushford, MN Should the MPCA grant a permit to Catalpa LLC for a 4,980 sow confinement facility here in Fillmore County? Let’s ask a pig. Transcribed here is a blatantly fictitious interview with a gilt named Miss Falona. She graciously agreed to share her thoughts while being prepared for shipment to a large sow confinement facility. INTERVIEWER: Miss F, … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project Antibiotic resistance
By Hannah Schneekcloth In the span of a year, there will be two million people in the United States that will be infected with a bacteria that has developed resistance to antibiotics. At least 23,000 will die from the infection each year. Some of the different types of bacterias are: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL) … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate…Giving thanks
I hope everybody had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. There are two times a year I am guaranteed to look back on my life to ponder the supposed progress of my character. One of those times is around the end of November, where Thanksgiving finds its home nestled within the 22nd and 28th of the eleventh month. I am in Europe this Thanksgiving and will unfortunately not be able … [Read more...]
News media
A well informed electorate is critical to the functioning of democracy. Democracy can’t function without debate. The news media is the primary tool for informing and prompting debate. Those things elected officials want to hide, are precisely the things we need to be informed of. The news media is an essential part of democracy and not the enemy of the people. Elected … [Read more...]
Tests show Catalpa hog barns could cause “catastrophic sinkhole collapse”… To the Editor,
Neighbors in the Newburg area and beyond have been clear for months: we want the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to follow the law and order an Environmental Impact Statement for Catalpa Ag, the gigantic 5,000 sow hog operation proposed in Newburg that would put our drinking water, property values, and health at risk. On December 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mabel Community Center, … [Read more...]