Back in January 2009, over 10 years ago, when my wife and I moved our family to this beautiful area, it was undoubtedly a buyer’s real estate market. The Financial Crisis had left behind a trail of foreclosed properties in all of the cities we were considering establishing roots, such as Fountain, Harmony, Lanesboro, or Preston. After a five month search, we decided to … [Read more...]
Healthcare in America: Is “Medicare For All” a good solution?
On the occasion of the next Democratic debate, candidates will likely lay out their vision for healthcare. (This is actually a misnomer, since the discussion has nothing to do with actual “care” and refers to “Insurance.”) Most candidates will support a single payer system that puts government in control. Is this a good idea? Let’s take a factual look. •Medicare for All is … [Read more...]
Response to misleading information on voter fraud
Andrew E. Cilek Executive Director Minnesota Voters Alliance Roseville, MN The September 3 Fillmore County Journal commentary by Susan Ritter of the League of Women Voters is full of misleading information on voter fraud. Ms. Ritter falsely asserts that Representative Duane Quam requested “individuals’ Social Security Numbers” (SSNs) from the Secretary of State … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate… Strong economy?
I am not an economist, but shouldn’t the deficit be going down if we have a “strong economy”? In 2016, candidate Trump talked big about eliminating the debt (all $19 trillion at the time) “over a period of eight years.” After taking office, however, he doesn’t seem all that concerned, even going so far as shrugging off the projected “hockey stick” spike in debt that his own … [Read more...]
Response to Christianity in crisis
Gwendolyn Haddad Spring Valley, MN This is a response to Greg Rendahl who wrote about conservative Christianity in crisis, published August 26, 2019. Immigration: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America helped legal immigrants settle in communities. Christians are called to help the foreigners who obey the laws of the country they settle in. One law of any country … [Read more...]
There’s cause for both concern and optimism when it comes to democracy
Sometimes, you wonder if the world is doomed to descend into autocracy. Certainly, that’s what the coverage of the past few years suggests. We read about the nations that are already there, like China and Russia, of course, and Saudi Arabia and Iran. Or about countries like Hungary, Turkey, and Poland that are nominally democratic but have been trending less so. What strikes … [Read more...]
Misleading information on voter fraud
Susan Ritter Member, Fillmore County League of Women Voters Lanesboro, MN Let’s not spread misinformation about election integrity. In the August 12 Fillmore County Journal the commentary by Jeff Erding ( contains multiple false or misleading claims perpetuated by Andrew Cilek of Minnesota Voters Alliance … [Read more...]
Growing the local foods economy
This time of year, the farmers’ markets are rich with local vegetables, berries, meats, breads and jams. It’s a visual testament to the abundance of our region and the ever-growing local foods economy that is sustained by consumers who want to buy directly from area farmers. At Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), we have been supporting the local foods economy in … [Read more...]
Yes, we can!
My friend came through the door smiling. “Well, is Donald Trump still president?” While my neighbor himself doesn’t waste time watching television he knows I am addicted to the pictures flickering on the screen. Recently President Trump offered the opinion that the Clintons played a part in Jeffrey Enstein’s death in his jail cell. Another announcement followed - the … [Read more...]
Keeping your head down?
To the Editor, Recently Donald Trump’s appointed Agriculture secretary, Sonny Perdue, joked about how farmers are whiners. It amazes me that the man in charge of agriculture in this administration is so callous given what he surely knows is happening in farm country. U.S. agriculture bankruptcy filings are at 10-year highs, U.S. farm income in 2019 will remain near lows not … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… When a school dies
Several months ago, we booked a family vacation via We’ve had friends tell us about their great experiences, so we figured we’d give it a shot. We wanted to visit the Lake Okoboji area, but every place I looked at was $350 or more per night. On, I found this farmhouse on Silver Lake on the fringe of a little town known as Ayrshire, in Iowa. It … [Read more...]
Conservative Christianity in crisis
To the Editor, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America became our first “sanctuary denomination” in order to help migrants. It’s time for Christians to stand against Trump and denounce all his works and all his ways. With some conservative Christian sects supporting Trump, one wonders if some of these churchgoers even try to follow Jesus. Not only did Jesus ask you to … [Read more...]
Why are you so angry?
Boy, it was a little fun triggering people last time! I even wound up being the top Google result for “chumps & grifters,” which is neat. #humblebrag But I’m not going to spend my time here picking apart responses I got to my last column, instead I want to look at the bigger picture and simply ask... why are you so angry? Are you angry because I haven’t spelled out … [Read more...]
Democracy won’t die if we don’t let it
Democracy’s premise is that ordinary citizens can make solid decisions on complex issues. But this basic principle and the structure of laws and practices erected over the centuries to safeguard it are being questioned as rarely before. It’s not just that political leaders in various western democracies seem to have little regard for the norms and procedures they inherited. … [Read more...]
We belong to one another
To the Editor, As an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and as a concerned citizen of the United States of America, in light of the recent shootings in El Paso, Tex., and Dayton, Ohio, I think it is important as civil, faith, and public communities learning and existing with one another that we remember that we belong to one another – that our … [Read more...]