To the Editor, I attended a Representative Hagedorn Town Hall meeting in Winona in early September. I’ve been haunted ever since by his response to a citizen who was asking if he was aware of the relationship between gun ownership and suicide. Mr. Hagedorn’s response was that he believed that “people who commit suicide go to hell.” Why I’m haunted by that response is that as … [Read more...]
Impeachment: The last resort of panicked leftists?
Impeachment of President Trump has long been the goal of the Radical Left as a means to overturn the 2016 election. With no viable presidential candidate and scant prospects of an economic downturn that could help them, Impeachment has now transitioned to “Last Ditch Hail Mary Pass.” Lest Conservatives become overconfident, I don’t feel certain the 2020 elections will favor … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… We will ask ourselves why
It seems that as I get older, I attend more funerals. I guess the longer we live, the more people we get to know. When someone lives to 80 years or older, I am hopeful they had a good life. But, when we lose a young person, I ask myself why. #GABBYSTRONG This past Wednesday, October 9, 2019, our family attended the celebration of life for Gabriella ‘Gabby’ Lou … [Read more...]
How to keep your hamburgers
I grew up in the middle of Wisconsin in a working-class family of seven. I was the son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a dairy farmer and the first generation to not have the farm thanks to conservative financial policy in the late ‘70s. Regardless, my Dad sold seed and we knew enough farmers to get a decent price on ground beef. And with three sons, two daughters, and … [Read more...]
We should continue to be a nation of immigrants
I was talking with a friend the other day about immigration. It’s one of the most divisive issues of our time, and we, too, found ourselves divided. “Our country is full,” he quoted President Trump, who said this back in April. Let’s improve the country with the people we already have, my friend added. I had a quote, too, and it’s one I still believe in. You’ll find it on … [Read more...]
Climate change
The climate crisis is gaining attention among voters, 40 years after it gained the attention of scientists. Most Americans now realize human induced climate change is an existential threat requiring significant policy changes. Many politicians and some scientifically illiterate people are still denying reality. The additional energy trapped as heat because of greenhouse … [Read more...]
Climate change
To the Editor, Independent scientists (the few who are not controlled by Government funding) cannot prove man causes global warming, cooling or whatever. So, I wonder, did the dinosaurs cause their extinction? If the millions and millions who believe fossil fuels are causing global warming would park their cars (gas and electric, since electric has a bigger carbon footprint … [Read more...]
The joy of politics
You’re probably chuckling already. Seriously? “The joy of politics”? That was pretty much the reaction I got the other day when, in the middle of a conversation about how confrontational, adversarial, and downright unpleasant politics has become of late, I suggested that it could be both fun and a source of satisfaction. Yes, of course there are always irritations and … [Read more...]
Bigger dangers than climate change plus hatred
The Journal deserves credit for printing a wide variety of opinions. They should keep on doing so. And there have been some real doozies. One writer suggested that the Journal not print letters from “climate change” non-believers/skeptics. Unbelievable. Settled science? No such thing, a chemistry professor friend once told me. According to a recent National … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate…For the sake of the young
For the sake of the young we must avoid war with Iran. Tensions are rising between two nations, both great in their bark and bite. No longer does the U.S. walk quietly and carry a big stick. Those drunk with power are loud and boastful and often confusing. The rest of us are left trying to keep up with the hourly remarks coming from all sides. The Pentagon is sending U.S. … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… Promoting businesses and communities
For quite a number of years, the Fillmore County Journal has administered a contest devoted to encouraging readers to vote for their favorite businesses in approximately 40 different categories. At the end of the contest, we tally up the results to determine which businesses or organizations received the most votes in their respective category. We conduct a drawing from all … [Read more...]
Kingsland Referendum Levy for day-to-day operations
By Maranda Emig Spring Valley, MN My name is Maranda Emig and I am currently on the Kingsland School Board, but I am writing this as a parent and private citizen. I plan on voting Yes for the Operating Levy because of Kingsland staff and my children. When I remember my high school experience, I remember the people I interacted with and how they made me feel. I want that … [Read more...]
Why people prefer democracy
A wave of protests is roiling Moscow. Millions of people, young and old, have been crowding the streets in Hong Kong. In Britain, members of the Conservative Party took to open revolt over Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s move to sideline Parliament on Brexit. If democracy is dysfunctional and on the ropes worldwide, as many voices currently insist, you’d have a hard time making … [Read more...]
Remembering Mrs. Wilkes
One of the gifts of “growing older” is that there is time to reflect on the past. We have many friends throughout our lives. Some are with us for many years, others for a shorter time, or just passing through, but they make a lasting impression. They settle quietly into our hearts and continue to influence us throughout our lives. When I was 24 I lived in a four-plex in … [Read more...]
Once more, with feeling
Okay, chuckleheads. I’m only going to explain this once. Responding to an article that asks why you’re angry in the title by posting angry comments on the paper’s webpage exactly proves my point. I was giving you an out in the last article; I specifically pushed buttons so that you could say “oh, he’s just trying to make me angry, so responding to it would only make me look the … [Read more...]