Viral videos around the internet have displayed many young children and adults’ rage after playing violent video games. You may see videos where the parent comes into the room and tells them to put the game away for a bit and the child throws the controller to the ground or even calls the parents derogatory slurs. Obviously, this has become so much of an issue that 45% of … [Read more...]
Random thoughts from “The Old Soldier”
By Ron Scheevel Preston, MN One thing that bothers this old guy is the current state of national politics. With the recent completion of the impeachment proceedings, maybe now our president and legislators can get back to the job they were elected to do. Both parties have neglected the serious issues of immigration, healthcare, homelessness, and what I consider a serious … [Read more...]
Coming clean
I knew this day was coming for a long time, dear reader. You see, as I’ve gone from part-time at a school to pumping boat toilets to bagging bread at 2 a.m. back to schools then to offices and back to schools again, I’ve gotten to see what life is like for America’s vast and wildly different working class. I’ve struggled, I’ve gone hungry, I’ve worked 16-hour days and turned in … [Read more...]
Cleaning house
I have always loved our country. It is painful to see how far we have fallen. Politicians have always hid certain information and occasionally lied, but never has the swamp been this deep and foul. Nearly everyone from the Trump campaign is a criminal. He “partied” with a convicted pedophile. He brags about sexual assault and mocks disabled people. His fake charity used … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project: The pressure and decision
By Corinna Wiemerslage If you’re sitting in a room full of people, and you see someone struggling, would you go help that person or would you sit back and wait for someone else to help them? There is a study called the Bystander Effect, which by definition is, “When the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation.” In simpler … [Read more...]
Attend Township Day on March 10 – you have a direct voice and vote!
To the Editor, Nearly one million township residents in Minnesota will have the opportunity to participate in their local government by attending their township’s upcoming annual meeting. On Township Day, held this year on Tuesday, March 10, citizens attending their local township meeting will discuss issues with their town board and vote on their annual tax levy. Many … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage
By Wenda Grabau One life… how much is it worth? It is probably not a question we entertain until it hits home. Even one life holds untold value. I used to work in Sears Tower in Chicago. That building was 110 stories tall. I worked on the 44th floor. Sears Bank was on the ground level. Working in payroll, it fell to me to take money in the form of a check to the bank … [Read more...]
Restoring common decency…
To the Editor, Teachers and parents spend a fair amount of time helping students develop good character traits and respect for others, something it seems our President does not have. His attitudes, narcissistic ways, abuse of power, arrogance, bullying, name-calling, lies, vindictiveness, and simply his lack of integrity and character are not examples we need for our youth … [Read more...]
Absolutely frightening leader conduct…
To the Editor, Look at this link: How countries turn from democracies to dictatorships. Individuals who disagree with the country’s “ruler” are dispatched in some manner. Think of the number of either Trump campaign members or members of his staff or personal friends that have … [Read more...]
Stay up to date this session
By Senator Jeremy Miller Greetings from the Capitol.The 2020 legislative session is now officially underway here at the Minnesota Capitol! It’s always difficult leaving Janel and the boys, and being away from the scrap yard, but the energy around the Capitol is undeniable this time of year. I’m very much looking forward to continuing to listen to the people and work together … [Read more...]
Journal Writing Project: My musical life
By Bethany Schneekloth I am an active member in both choir and band in my school. Music has always been an important part of my 17-year-long life, from classical music to the newer pop music – I listen to it all. I have learned as of late to start associating certain emotions of mine to a specific type or style of music in which listening to helps me get through. Ever … [Read more...]
Fillmore County ski (bike) trails are not snowmobile trails
To the Editor, I’ve been to the Fillmore County cross-country ski trails several times this year, to use my ski pass. I’m pleased to report that most times the trails were groomed by the DNR. However, the snowmobile usage had ruined that effort on the groomer’s part. Please help me in getting the word out that these are not snowmobile trails. Lynn Teska Peterson, Minn. … [Read more...]
Devil’s Advocate… “Fend for yourself” — Rep. Hagedorn
What? A town hall? If you were driving along Highway 16 on the east side of Spring Valley between 10–11 on the morning of Saturday the 25th of January, you’d have passed right by the Honorable U.S. Representative Jim Hagedorn’s taxpayer funded tow hall meeting. You wouldn’t have seen a sign directing you nor welcoming you in. You wouldn’t have found any obvious signs at the … [Read more...]
When is a town hall meeting not a town hall meeting?
By Jane Peck Lanesboro, MN When it is given by our U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn, I found this out at his late January Spring Valley “lecture” for Fillmore County. A “town hall” means a public well-known gathering place that has been advertised to the town. A “meeting” is a gathering to exchange and discuss ideas. None of those things happened. I had hopes of sharing … [Read more...]
Sweden: Socialist utopia?
Whenever rational people try to point out the failures of Socialism, people on the left always cry foul, pointing out the success stories of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden in particular. Sweden, they say, is a spectacularly successful socialist country, with universal health care, generous pensions, and good schools. We in America, they say, should adopt the socialist … [Read more...]