Many of our readers receiving the Fillmore County Journal outside of the immediate area of Fillmore County, Houston County, and Mower County have been noticing a tremendous delay in the delivery of this newspaper (and other newspapers, from what I’m hearing around the industry). We know this because our office receives phone calls on a daily basis from upset subscribers … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about saving our post office
To the Editor, My wife and I have homes in Minneapolis and Lanesboro, but we have been living in our Lanesboro home since mid-March to reduce the likelihood of catching COVID-19. I am 68 years old and vulnerable to the virus because of underlying health concerns. Essential items such as clothing, food and prescriptions are delivered to reduce the frequency of visiting stores. … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about face mask mandate article…
To the Editor, Regarding August 3, front page article “Fillmore County businesses make a difficult decision in lieu of the July 25 Executive Order 20-81.” The article concerning the face mask mandate is confusing; the reporter and businesses believe they are responsible for policing any patrons that do not wear masks and will be fined for not doing so; actually, the … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about revolution can happen in USA…
To the Editor, Venezuelan warns Americans: Statues coming down is where revolutions start. “Venezuelans recognize signs of a communist takeover better than most anyone.” Elizabeth Rogliani, an actress from Venezuela living in the U.S., told followers on TikTok why she is concerned to see statues being torn down and roads being renamed in America. “Why do I even worry about … [Read more...]
Supporting our smallest communities
Central to Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation’s (SMIF) current strategic plan is a strengthened commitment to look ahead at the future of rural Minnesota. While we continue to make our programming and resources accessible to communities of all sizes in our 20-county region, we know that many of our smaller towns lack sufficient financial resources to help them grow and … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about law enforcement officers…
To the Editor, George Floyd was killed about two months ago. The news went back and listed the deaths of African Americans that had been killed in the past by law enforcement. The news still reports all the happening related to this killing. Two policemen were shot by ambush July 11. The news media said nothing about their family, how many had been killed in the past, or … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund
To the Editor, Here is one reason to support Sarah Kruger as our next state senator. On three separate occasions, Minnesota voters have approved a constitutional amendment dedicating a portion of state lottery proceeds to finance the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Currently, the Republican-led Senate is placing these funds in jeopardy by redirecting these … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about Mr. Trump passed his test
To the Editor, Mr. Trump passed his cognitive test a few weeks ago. He was pretty proud of this. Aced it. Nailed it. He would have gotten an A if they gave out grades. Unfortunately it’s a pass/fail test. But, let’s give him an A anyway. Didn’t need to pay anyone to take the test for him. Didn’t need to study in advance. According to Mr. Trump, he correctly said: … [Read more...]
The “Old Soldier” continues
By Ron Scheevel Preston, MN Since my last writing, many events have occured in our country that are quite disheartening to the “Old Soldier.” First let’s address the George Floyd tagedy. Anyone who has watched the news segments of thes injustice cannot help but be moved by this terrible act of malice and intolerance. We must do better as Christians and Americans to … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about rural leaders needed to wade through the muck
To the Editor, “City people. They may know how to street fight but they don’t know how to wade through manure.” I love this quote. I was born in Spring Valley. My very extensive family network all still reside in rural Southeast Minnesota. My husband and I currently live in the small village of High Forest. God has called me to be in a place where my eyes are on the rural. And … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about Independence is a journey. It is not a destination!
To the Editor, Politics is a process. We all have a part in shaping our country, whether we vote or abstain from voting. Our Constitution is a rainbow in the sky. It does not solve our problems. It offers a direction – a vision of what the future can be. I celebrated the Fourth of July by reading “The American Spirit” by David McCullough. A Government “of the people” is a … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor: Letter about keeping up the good work, Pastor Stoeger
To the Editor, Holy jumpin’ Jesus! After reading Pastor David Stoeger’s article, “The Radical Left Pastor,” this old agnostic might take up Christianity again! It seems the good padre er, reverend actually follows the teachings of the humble mendicant rabbi from Nazareth known as Yashika ben Yosef! and BTW, why don’t you Christians call him by his real name? What a pleasant … [Read more...]
What does the Wykoff City Council want for the City of Wykoff?
By Eva Barr Wykoff, Minn. Things are happening in Wykoff. Whether the City of Wykoff as represented by the City Council wants to participate in this transformational change or not became clear last night at the July Council meeting: it doesn’t. The Wykoff City Council rejected an invitation from Wykoff Commons LLC, a group repurposing the old Wykoff school, to pursue an … [Read more...]
Do we take our vote for granted?
By Kathie Haynes Canton, Minn. I am afraid I have not even given it a lot of thought. If you have a nice house, a friendly family, good food and pretty nice clothing it is normal to take it all for granted. I watched a PBS “American Experience” about the 19th Amendment this week and it really spoke to me. We called ourselves a democracy while only half of the white … [Read more...]
Living together on the same Earth
By Russell D. Gerard Spring Grove, Minn. These local voices of the radical left have recently revealed the agenda of the National Socialist Democrat Party to the residents of Fillmore and Houston counties. A holier-than-thou, born again hippie, draft dodging Trump hater offers us nothing but unkind words toward a President who is leading the nation to a greater future … [Read more...]