Are you impacted by a pork packing plant closure due to COVID-19 and have pigs scheduled to ship in the near future and wondering what to do? Below is a list of strategies for you to consider. It is important to note that the strategies outlined below are meant to be temporary for emergency situations. The wellbeing of the pigs should be your number one priority when … [Read more...]
Managing market hogs destined for local meat lockers
With pig harvest at commercial packing plants currently disrupted, consumers have an opportunity to purchase market hogs directly from the farm. These pigs destined for local custom processing facilities may have to wait until they can be harvested. Lee Johnston, Pedro Urriola and Sarah Schieck Boelke have put together a fact sheet detailing how consumers can keep market hogs … [Read more...]
Spinning a good yarn – a girl and her goats
By Elena Patterson In the heart of Harmony, there’s a little shop on Main Street called Homespun Harmony. Once inside the eye is immediately drawn to the walls of yarn that are as varied and colorful as a handheld kaleidoscope. One special display showcases the local talents of Audra Otto, a 13-year-old who hand spins yarn from the fleece of her own herd of Pygora goats. … [Read more...]
USDA launches new conservation pilot program for Prairie Pothole producers to plant cover crops
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) today announced a new pilot program that enables farmers in the Prairie Pothole region to receive payments for planting cover crops on their land for three to five years. The new Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) pilot is available to producers in Iowa, … [Read more...]
Minnesota farmers can nominate schools for $15k STEM grants
The America’s Farmers programs, sponsored by Bayer Fund, are back for another year to strengthen farming communities across Minnesota. Beginning January 1, America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education is partnering with farmers across the country to help strengthen rural public school districts through $15,000 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) grants. Since 2010, … [Read more...]
Manure: waste or valuable agricultural resource?
By University of Minnesota Extension and Partners Stories about manure often illustrate two opposing sentiments. Is manure a “Waste” that pollutes our water resources and creates undesirable nuisances for communities? Or, is manure a “Resource” that reduces the demand for importing greenhouse gas intensive inorganic fertilizers and improves the health of our soils? Both … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Agriculture Summit canceled
The Fillmore County Economic Development Authority (EDA) has canceled the Fillmore County Agriculture Summit scheduled for March 26 at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, per the Governor of Minnesota’s declaration and recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health. This event cannot be rescheduled at this time, as the timeline for the COVID-19 Coronavirus … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Ag Summit March 26
The Fillmore County Economic Development Authority (EDA) will host an Agriculture Summit at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center on March 26. This year’s schedule includes presentations on Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Emotional Wellness for Agriculture Families, Succession Planning for Agriculture Business, Investment in Specialty Crops, and Value-Added Agriculture … [Read more...]
4-H Hippology teams win big at Nationals
By Janette Dragvold On February 1, 2020, two junior 4-H Fillmore County Hippology teams competed in their first ever national competition at the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City, S. Dak. The 11- to 13-year-olds were excited to be able to represent Fillmore County and the State of Minnesota, but even more excited about the contest’s outcome. Team 2 (Grace Goddard, … [Read more...]
How to saddle a horse safely
Horses are magnificent animals and loyal companions who can successfully handle their share of the workload in various capacities. Learning how to properly saddle a horse is essential for anyone who hopes to ride regularly. The techniques discussed here apply to western saddling, which is the primary way many people saddle their horses for riding. British riding requires … [Read more...]
Mission critical! Contact USDA Farm Service Agency now to enroll in key safety net programs Don’t let the March 16 deadline pass you by
By Joe Martin State Executive Director in Minnesota, USDA Farm Service Agency The clock is ticking… March 16 is THE LAST day to make what is likely one of the most important business decisions you will make for your farming operation this year. If you have not already visited your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county office to make your election for either … [Read more...]
Farmers encouraged to participate in annual survey
Corn and soybean growers should anticipate calls in February The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is encouraging farmers to take part in its annual pesticide and fertilizer use survey. This year the phone survey is directed at corn and soybean growers. The data helps the MDA track the use of agricultural chemicals on Minnesota farms and provides guidance to … [Read more...]
Minnesota farmers can nominate schools for $15,000 STEM grants
The America’s Farmers programs, sponsored by Bayer Fund, are back for another year to strengthen farming communities across Minnesota. Beginning January 1, America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education is partnering with farmers across the country to help strengthen rural public school districts through $15,000 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) grants. Since 2010, … [Read more...]
Sesquicentennial farm applications due March 2
Minnesota Farm Bureau’s Sesquicentennial Farm program will honor Minnesota families who have owned their farms for at least 150 years. Since the Sesquicentennial Farm program began in 2008, over 371 farms have been recognized. The Sesquicentennial Farm program recognizes family farms according to the following qualifications: 1) The farm must be at least 150 years old this … [Read more...]
Applications now open for Harvest Entrepreneur Network (HEN) in Greater Minnesota
Entrepreneurs in rural Minnesota are invited to apply to join the Harvest Entrepreneur Network (HEN), a new program led by Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA). CEDA is a Minnesota-based nonprofit organization dedicated to innovative community development practices and business growth in small towns. Through HEN, CEDA’s professional staff will 1) provide … [Read more...]