To the Editor,
In Carla’s recent mailings to Fillmore County residents, she makes claims based on half truths. Jim Hagedorn was born in Southern Minnesota. He did finish high school in the D.C. area because his dad, a U.S. Congressman from Minnesota, moved the family to D.C. Jim spent summers here during HS. Since beginning to run for Congress, Jim has become well known across the 1st District. (80% name recognition to Carla’s 35%). That’s possible because he travels the district, continuously appearing in events and parades.
Carla degrades Jim because he doesn’t own the house he lives in. Questions for Carla: Does that disqualify Jim as a Congressional candidate and does she also look down on all of us who rent property?
Carla criticized him for applying for unemployment compensation (he was 21 years old at the time) because he believes in a work requirement for welfare. Carla has to know that unemployment has a work requirement. Jim’s unemployment case is somewhat detailed. Carla must have all of that information, but reveals only enough information to paint Jim in a negative light.
Carla serves in the Minnesota State Senate. Those people must know her very well yet no other Republican senator has endorsed her run for Congress while several have endorsed Jim.
Gary Steuart
Fillmore County Republicans
Kemmer says
The voters have told Carla what they think of her nonsense. Her political career has reached it apogee. Hagedorn is a fine man & I have met him twice as he works hard to represent southern MN. I believe he will well represent southern MN