Due to COVID-19, the regular April 8, 2020, Canton City Council meeting was held in the Canton Town Hall to comply with social distancing requirements.
COVID-19 response – stay at home extended to May 4.
City Operations – no public access to all city facilities; park will remain open; notification that area is not a sanitized environment placed.
Staff health and safety – limit direct public contact and maintain social distancing; contact by phone or email. Continue sanitation practices.
Employee cross training – Steps continue in this process.
Utility payments/disconnections – No disconnection practice will continue until May meeting, with residents encouraged to make arrangements if unable to pay in full and bill will still be resident’s responsibility.
Minutes from March meeting were approved as presented.
Consent agenda items approved included payment of monthly bills and the change in the official newspaper due to the discontinuation of the News Leader to the Fillmore County Journal.
Clerk report
As of April 7, 2020, there were 26 delinquent utility accounts, 16% of all accounts totaling $2,900; an increase from March 17 delinquencies totaling $1,500.
Residents are reminded of the May 1, 2020, deadline for licenses.
Expanded online payment options for fees and city bills are available by visiting Canton’s website, Cantonmn.com, which is now operational.
The audit was submitted to the Office of the State Auditor with no significant issues found and several recommendations made.
Hawkins and Ash Accounting representatives are scheduled to attend the May meeting to answer questions regarding city audit.
A letter has been sent to County Engineer Ron Gregg and Commissioner Marc Presby regarding the deterioration of pavement and curbing on County 21/Main Street. Determination of short and long term plans for the road and City versus County financial responsibilities are being sought.
Legal updates
Danny Whalen property full compliance deadline is May 15. A letter sent by County Attorney Corson to Whalen regarding his responsibilities and consequences for non-compliance was reviewed.
Joel Torgerson, charged with four nuisance property misdemeanors, has a pretrial hearing date of May 5, settlement conference May 11 and jury trial May 12-13.
Lolly Melander pretrial hearing of April 20 is cancelled, with no reschedule date. The Melander unemployment phone hearing appeal with unemployment law judge March 20 was rescheduled for April 30 as the result of a continuance request.
City works
Jon Nordsving reported on repair options for East Prairie and Hudson Avenue with council request that costs be determined.
Fire hydrant replacement on Hudson and West intersection is scheduled.
Town Hall
Paneling the lower portion of the north wall, trim installation and paint touch up by city workers with a materials cost of $340. The cost for the back step and ramp options was requested.
Garry Dowling – garage building permit for construction within three feet of property line which requires a variance; a public hearing will be held at 6:30 on May 13.
Randy Gossman – permit for construction of a house and shed with all requirements met; permit approved; Gossman abstained from voting.
Unfinished business
The water/sewer/garbage funds – approved separation of funds for accounting purposes as recommended.
Utility rates business – a previously scheduled meeting with Jeff Dale, Rural Water was rescheduled from April 7 to May 4 at 1:30 p.m.; no action.
The Banyon purchase for technology upgrade approved at the March meeting was found to not include pricing for the water meter interface module needed to connect Banyon with the current reader system which is basic only, and potentially unable to interface with Banyon; this motion was rescinded.
Council requests Banyon and DSG/Kamstrup representatives meet with the council regarding costs and compatibility at a future meeting to determine accurate costs before proceeding.
New business
Sandy Frank utility forgiveness request – Frank requested in writing that the council forgive her 2019 outstanding utility bill of approximately $770. A denial letter will be sent requesting payment in full by January 1, 2021, or outstanding balance will be assessed to property taxes.
A request for usage of the Town Hall by American Red Cross for a blood drive in May or June was approved.
Office copier/scanner – quote was obtained from Tri-state Business Solutions. Council approved a lease at a cost of $44/month, plus the service and toner agreement charge of $30.40/month.
Variance fee for 2020 – $200 approved, (to be added to schedule of fees).
Future meetings/public hearings
The next meeting will be held May 13, 2020, at 7 p.m. at the Canton Town Hall, with a variance meeting prior at 6:30 p.m. Please note time and location change.
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