To the Editor,
The fact that war would mean endless climate change catastrophes and a nuclear arms race that would risk accidental or intentional use of nuclear weapons that could end almost immediately our civilization, there is a good chance that a public movement will be able to inspire a new U.S. foreign policy that transitions from use of force to diplomacy and negotiations that builds a policy that uses our resources formerly spent for war and preparation for war to promote cooperative development of all countries such that all people worldwide have health care and prosperity. Since our president has pulled out of the Paris climate change agreement and has withdrawn from the treaty with Iran that prevents Iran from developing nuclear weapons despite European and other allies and the United Nations declaring Iran complying with the treaty we need to urgently hold teach-ins and wide-spread protests, and parades and lobbying Congress in numbers exceeding those in 2003 in an attempt to prevent the disastrous invasion and war with Iraq. As soon as possible let us organize a demonstration at the Peace Plaza in Rochester or on the Highway 52 overpass to which all people in Southeast Minnesota are invited to demonstrate for a new U.S. foreign policy and peaceful cooperation with all countries to prevent climate change and end nuclear weapons.
Robert Johnson
Harmony, Minn.
Lu Ommen
Harmony, Minn.
Dennis DeKeyrel
Harmony, Minn.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
Kim Wentworth says
Crickets….as I thought. Bottom line, Earth warms and cools. Earth does not give a tinkers darn about something so LOW as human beings. PLZ be more focused on pollution, our waterways. Elements from Earth are a part of Earth (oil).. The last famed oil spill was, for the large part taken care of by natural process. Plastics, Styrofoam examples of BAD items.
Aaron Bishop says
You have work, I have work. Not every response will be timely if you want it to be well-thought out. I’m sorry, but when you have all the generic questions and I have to answer them, it will take me considerably more time and energy and effort than you. I’m still working on it.
Kim Wentworth says
Correct Aaron we have work, hopefully. More now than ever before. “Crickets” refers to the authors of this post. I get no response. I am glad for yours, Sir. But still “crickets”. On “your” of people do all comments run thru you?
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Kim,
I know all of these individuals personally. They are not particularly active online just as you are not active in writing in the Fillmore County Journal. Odds are, they don’t know you’ve posted a question to/for them here.
As for whether all the comments run through me; let’s just say, yes.
Kim Wentworth says
Crickets from authors lol, no surprise
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Kim,
It isn’t a surprise because of the reasons I gave above. However, I have asked you some questions on here that you have not addressed. In other words, crickets.
Aaron Bishop says
Crickets….as I thought. Bottom line, Earth warms and cools. Geologists can see this in sedimentary records, glacial air bubble records, and isotopic ratios found in shells.
What do you say to the people whose job it is to collect this information? The geologists who you clearly trust for the information pertaining to ancient climate change events are the same people who are now telling the the world this one is similar to extinction level changes, not the background ups and downs.
What are your thoughts about people who don’t have the education or experience in a topic telling people who have spent their lives dedicated to working in the field? How many dentists or do you personally listen to and accept their criticism as fully legitimate if they told you you were doing your job wrong when you weren’t, or that you didn’t know what you were doing when you do, or that because they don’t trust the people you work for, you must clearly be lying for some sort of conspiracy?
Because that’s how you look.
Here’s some Antarctica ice info as of this year.
Title: Antarctica losing six times more ice mass annually now than 40 years ago
Title: Nearly a quarter of West Antarctic ice is now unstable
Title: Study uncovers surprising melting patterns beneath Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf
Title: Strong storms also play big role in Antarctic ice shelf collapse
Aaron Bishop says
Great words by great people. Thank you for publishing this.
Kim Wentworth says
Really Aaron?
“Great words from great people”. Where?
Our POTUS is the least likely President to get us in a “boots on the ground” war since carter. I had to re read this article a couple of times to digest the stupidity of it.
Let’s start: 1) all countries equal?, world wide healthcare, prosperity? Do I smell the stench of U.N. supporters? 2) Paris climate change and Iran deal (getting out of) are just a couple examples of POTUS great acts.
I am begging someone to explain how the heck the Paris climate change would help mother earth??? Be careful of your response 😃.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Kim,
I would imagine most folks would consider Iraq and Afghanistan “boots on the ground”.
1) Nowhere does it say “equal” in the article. Healthcare is thought to be a human right by some. Perhaps not yourself, and that’s simply a difference of opinion. If every nation is prosperous, there is less chance for war.
2) Please explain your thoughts without invoking the U.N. as a reason.
Sure. Firstly, did you read it? It would be silly of us to have a conversation about the Paris Agreement if the two of us didn’t know what it contained. That would be a good start. Then we can begin this discussion.
Here is the PDF for the Agreement:
Kim Wentworth says
Our POTUS is getting us out, current news as of today, Friday.
A couple things: 1) healthcare as a “right” is wrong. Research the meaning of something being a “right” before you write about it. 2) thanks for the forward on Paris. Have I read the whole thing? No sir I have not. I never had to read hitlers book to know it was B.S.
Say, wasn’t there some big leftist B.S. get together over in Italy with fake hollywood, media mogals, past president. Private airplanes, mega yachts.
Oh. One more thing. Off the top of my head, so PLZ look it up but a group of scientists have drilled through the ice at anartica, 10,000ft, about 2 miles and discovered your theory of global warming to be a bit off? 😃
Aaron Bishop says
1) human right
(human rights)
a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person.
Again, as I stated originally, this is going to be a matter of differing opinion. When you tell me to please research something about writing about it, kindly do the same thing when it comes to the claims you make concerning climate change. You didn’t research the 1970s article, you didn’t research the Paris Accord to know what’s in it. You don’t do much research of anything at all, as far as I can tell.
2) Of course you didn’t have to read Mein Kampf to recognize its effects. You experienced the world after the fall of Hitler. There’s a whole history of it. You don’t know the history of the aftermath of the Climate Accord. Apples and oranges.
I don’t know of nor see the relevance of your comment concerning an Italian get together. Feel free to let me know what you’re point is.
Not even your Antarctic ice comment makes sense. I’m a bit confused as to what you’re claiming here. That there was that much ice? It’s “off the top of your head” but that doesn’t mean much, evidently. What is your claim and what is the evidence for it? That is the question I have for you.