Photo by Charlene Corson Selbee
Matthew E. Mohs with Bolton & Menk, Inc. updated the Caledonia City Council on the street and utility improvement project at the council’s regular meeting, July 11.
Bids will go out mid-November with the contract to be awarded this winter. Construction will start spring 2023 with the majority of the work happening next fall. The project is scheduled to be completed the summer of 2024.
“We’re definitely ahead of projects for 2023, that’s without a doubt. A lot of projects for 2023, they are just starting to talk about them now. We will know where we are at yet tonight, I hope. We plan on bidding the project in November. The reason being is that we understand the market that we are in right now. We understand that there are delays and delays on material orders. If we can bid this project in November and award the project early enough, the hope is that the material will be ready to go when the contractors are ready to start,” stressed Mohs.
The preliminary cost estimate for street and site construction, sanitary sewer construction, water construction, and storm sewer construction is $2,006,984.
Mohs shared in in his presentation that the project is financed by the city’s capital improvement, sewer, and water funds as well as special property assessments.
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Special assessments total $501,1745.88 minus $69,913.12 for the post office property for a revised total of $431,832.75. It was noted that property owned by the Federal Government cannot be assessed.
The project’s improvement hearing is scheduled for August 8 during the council’s regular meeting. Mohs noted that a neighborhood informational meeting is planned in August and Bolton & Menk will mail a newsletter to impacted property owners. In addition to going over the plans and timelines, Mohs expects that there will be a lot of questions about assessments.
The plan is to conduct three neighborhood meetings prior to the start of the project next spring.
Mohs concluded by emphasizing that this project is definitely necessary, that it is cost effective, and feasible.
City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson finalized the draft of the parks and public grounds use ordinance. At the July 25 regular meeting, the ordinance will be considered for adoption.
Based on feedback from the council, the following updates were made to the ordinance. Dickson confirmed that violations are a petty misdemeanor:
• Persons who, without delay, are traveling through parks, playgrounds, or public ground upon established walks, paths, and street are allowed after hours, 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
• Dogs are not allowed in any park, playgrounds, or public ground except in designated areas or are trained as bona fide service dogs and those trained for law enforcement.
• Liquor is not allowed in the parks without first obtaining a written permit. Controlled substance is not allowed in city parks.
• Horses are not allowed in any park except in areas specifically designated for such use.
In other business, the board:
• Listened to member Klug explain the work he had done in front of his home on 223 South Street. He asked the city for consideration regarding the cost of the repairs since his out-of-pocket costs are $4,758. Dickson stated that he did not have all the answers regarding the city’s policy Klug referred to. He will do some digging to get the answers and report back to the council at the next meeting;
• Approved Resolution 2022-12 the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. It is a five-year contract with a premium of $50 per month;
• Approved change Order No. 3 for a total of $584.63 for work at well house number 8. Due to using the city owned VFD and instead of purchasing a new VFD and the cost for “additional equipment, material, and time to locate the existing watermain and make connection to new 10” watermain, the total of the change was $584.63, which benefited the city considerably;
• Authorized LG220 Lawful Gambling Permit for ABLE, Inc;
• Accepted supplemental ARPA funds;
• Accept the board audit letter from Minnesota POST;
• Approved Pay Request No. 1 from Winona Controls in the amount of $84,279.25 for Work Performed on Municipal Auditorium HVAC System.
The council’s next regular meeting will take place July 25, at 6 p.m.
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