By Kaitlin Longhauser
Caledonia School Board members met in Caledonia Elementary School’s music room #162 on Monday, September 26, from 6-8 p.m. Board members present included Matt Blocker, Erin Hammell, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Daniel Small, Wendy Woyczik, and Spencer Yohe.
The board approved the consent agenda and the minutes from the August 15 regular board meeting as well as the treasurer’s report and approval of bills.
The board approved of Caledonia Middle/High School’s MSHS Auditorium to be renamed Performing Arts Center. The name change was brought to attention due to confusion between the school’s auditorium and the city of Caledonia’s auditorium. Principal Nathan Boler stated “Performing Arts Center is a better representation of students.”
The board approved the Middle/High School Student/Parent Handbook language change proposal.
The board gratefully accepted Care Kits generously donated by Caledonia’s Immanuel Lutheran Church. Care Kits were given to all staff and included items such as Life Savers, lip balm, candy bars, etc.
Principal Sue Link shared Caledonia Elementary is off to a good start this year. Caledonia Elementary ranked in the top 10% regarding state test scores. Caledonia Elementary celebrates academic success in Warrior Way WOW and continues to promote “Here Comes the Sun, be the Sunshine.” Link acknowledges the elementary school’s need for special education drivers and thanks those who continue to assist as a driver.
Principal Boler shared Caledonia Middle/High School is also off to a good start this year. Caledonia Middle/High school is fully staffed. Thursday, September 8, students enjoyed the middle/high school’s Activity Fair. Friday, September 9, students attended a 9/11 presentation. Tuesday, September 20, students enjoyed the CTE career fair held on school grounds where 20+ businesses came to share their line of work.
The board approved the inclusion of chess club as an extracurricular activity offered at Caledonia Middle/High School. Boler spoke on behalf of not present Tristan Jensen in regards to the proposal of chess club. Boler stated 21 students showed interest in chess club. The proposed goal is for chess club to take place two days each week after school. Boler stated chess club to be “an avenue for students who haven’t found their niche yet.”
Head coach Maya Upton, parent Joannie Schmidt, and high school student Camryn Klug presented a Dance Team Coop between Caledonia High School and Houston High School. Currently Caledonia Middle/High School offers no dance team with six Caledonia students interested in dance. Since no dance team is offered in Caledonia, teens often participate in dance elsewhere. Houston High School dance team begins Monday, October 24 with practice being held daily starting at 3:30 p.m. If Caledonia and Houston were to offer a Dance Team Coop then Caledonia students would be eligible to participate as well. Dance is an alternative to winter sports. Klug stated “I’ve wanted to dance since a young age. Dance is a good addition to sports.”
Robotics mentors, Jeff Babinski and Mike Woyczik, conducted a presentation regarding Caledonia Robotic Warriors. Robotic Warriors consists of 15 students within grades 8-12, new recruits are still welcome for the season’s team. Robotic Warrior’s season kick off starts January 7, 2023. The team will be given five weeks to build a prototype robot capable of completing challenges. Once the 5 week period is up, the team will compete in two regional events over a six-week period. Students gain a variety of workforce related skills through participation with robotics such as project management, introduction to CAD design, usage of power tools, usage of various technologies, and more. Funding stems from both the school sistrict and booster club.
Boler brought up the idea of Caledonia Middle/High School starting an art club and library club. Forty-three students showed interest in an art club while 22 students showed interest in a library club. A school survey shows one-third of Caledonia’s middle/high school students do not participate in after school activities.
The next regular board meeting of the Caledonia Public School board wil be held Monday, October 17. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Caledonia Elementary in the music room #162. The board will hold a short meeting 5:30-6 p.m. prior to the scheduled board meeting, to address Caledonia School District’s renewal of the flexible learning year program and early start beginning the 2023-2024 school year.
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