The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 299, Caledonia, Minnesota, met in a regular school board meeting in the elementary building room #162. The meeting was called to order by Chair Mike Peterson at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. The school board members present were Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Mike Peterson, Spencer Yohe, and student school board representatives Addison Fruechte and Samantha Peters. Also present were Craig Ihrke, Nathan Boler, Gretchen Juan, Karen Schiltz, Carol Nelson, Rose Korabek. Absent were John Wahlstrom, and Barb Meyer, and Director Daniel Small.
Moved by Spencer Yohe, seconded by Derek Adamson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. Moved by Derek Adamson, seconded by Leigh King to approve the following consent agenda items: approval of September 23, 2024, Regular School Board Minutes; approve the electronic transfers and bills due and payable amounting to $347,245.75 along with electronic transfers from MSDLAF to Merchants Bank in the amount of $800,000.00; approval of the Caledonia Principals Association Contract for the 2024-2026 school years as presented; approve the twelve-week maternity leave request from Amanda Schulte beginning around the birth of her child on December 12, 2024, given there are no complications; approve the medical leave of absence for Gregory Schlenker beginning September 4, 2024, for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year; approve the termination of employment of Allyvia Martin effective October 10, 2024; approve the resignation of Courtney Itehua as ELL paraprofessional with her last day of service on October 25, 2024; ratify the contract for Kayline Schechinger as a full-time special education paraprofessional at II/7 at $17.33 per hour beginning October 7, 2024; ratify the contract for Amy Stracener as a full-time special education paraprofessional at II/5 at $16.82 per hour beginning October 7, 2024; ratify the contract for Amanda Larsen as Middle/High School Media para II/8 at $17.59 per hour beginning October 14, 2024; ratify the contract for Madison Roraff as a CAPS Care Aide at I/3 years at $15.62 per hour beginning October 21, 2024; ratify the hiring of Morgan Meyer as a CAPS Care substitute at III/4 years at $17.32 per hour; and accept the snow removal proposal from Schroeder Landscaping & Construction for the 2024-2025 school year as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. Member Spencer Yohe introduced the Resolution of School Board Supporting Form A Application to Minnesota State High School League Foundation and moved its adoption. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Melissa Marschall. Upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Mike Peterson, and Spencer Yohe. The following voted against the same: None. Absent: Daniel Small. Motion carried by a unanimous vote. Moved by Spencer Yohe, seconded by Derek Adamson to approve the winter sports coaching contracts for the 2024-2025 school year contingent upon participation numbers in each of the sports. Those voting in favor: Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Melissa Marschall, Mike Peterson, Daniel Small, and Spencer Yohe. Abstaining was Director Leigh King. Motion carried. Moved by Mike Peterson, seconded by Tim Gunn to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
These minutes are only a summary and complete minutes are available at the school district office or on the school district website at
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