Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, March 17 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. then led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present included Peterson, Julie Augedahl, Melissa Marschall and Spencer Yohe. Board members absent were Derek Adamson and Leigh King. District employees present included Superintendent Craig Ihrke, Middle/High School Principal Nathan Boler, Elementary Principal John Wahlstrom, Community Education Director Gretchen Juan, and Business Finance Manager Barb Meyer.
Board member Yohe moved, seconded by Augedahl, to adopt the Agenda. Motion carried in a 4-0 vote.
No Warrior Pride or Board Showcase took place. No participants spoke during Public Comment.
Board member Peterson moved, seconded by Marschall, to adopt the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda included the approval for the following:
- Minutes from the February 18 regular board meeting.
- Resignation of Amanda Burg as an elementary special education paraprofessional and Nicole Ott as middle/high school full-time secretary II.
- Unpaid three- to five-year leave of absence for first grade teacher, Beth McDonald, beginning the 2025-2026 school year.
- The hiring of Nicole Ott as full-time elementary administrative assistant/MARSS Coordinator.
In a 4-0 vote, the board appointed Chad Harms as a board member for Caledonia Area Public School District. Harms will serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Marschall moved, seconded by Augedahl, to approve the revised budget as presented. Motion carried.
The board unanimously approved to reduce a 1.0 FTE elementary teacher, 0.5 FTE Title, summer Ag by an additional 10 days, and the summer middle/high school counselor an additional 10 days. There was also unanimous approval to increase 0.5 FTE ADSIS for the 2025-2026 school year. No discussion took place.
Administrative Reports
“We had a great season!” shared Principal Boler in regards to the sporting events, One Act Play, Knowledge Bowl, and BPA. A number of things are coming up this spring that include eighth grade graduation, awards night, scholarships, MCA testing, and graduation speeches. The freshman, sophomores, and juniors completed their registration for the 2025-2026 school year with schedules being worked on. Boler acknowledged that when it comes to scheduling, classes need to be balanced. The balance with schedules depends on the electives students enroll in. The eighth grade class will register for classes on Monday when Caledonia Schools returns from break. Boler shared that staffing changes are being looked at for the next upcoming school year. Peterson thanked Boler for his report.
Principal Wahlstrom said the biggest thing going on at the elementary school right now is MCA testing.
Community Education Director Juan informed that CAPS Care is hiring. Spots for next year’s preschool enrollment are available. Juan then listed community classes that are available to attend.
“A lot of good things are going on!” shared Superintendent Ihrke. Ihrke acknowledged the school’s sports events going on, BPA, the Knowledge Bowl, robotics, and gymnastics. He informed that on April 5 the 299 Foundation event will be held. In addition, a staff morale booster is coming up. An ADSIS grant had been submitted; the grant lasts for two years. The federal government avoided a shutdown, with Title programs still eligible for funding.
Ihrke informed that starting January 2026 Paid Family and Medical Leave will begin where up to 20 weeks can be taken off. A chunk of this expense will fall on the school district to pay for. In addition, the district is also responsible for funding substitutes during the Paid Family and Medical Leave.
Old Business
The following link Welcome-HVED on ONE Central Site: Facts and Figures-Hiawatha Valley Education District was shared, the link willl provide an update on the progress for HVED’s (Hiawatha Valley Education District) one central site in Winona, Minn.
New Business
The board reviewed the following school policies: #413, Harassment and Violence Policy; #425, Staff Development Policy; #512, School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities Policy; #516, Student Medication and Telehealth Policy; #621, Literacy and the READ Act Policy; #704, Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System Policy; #906, Community Notification of Predatory Offenders Policy.
Board member Peterson moved, seconded by Marschall, to adjourn the meeting at 6:14 p.m.
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