Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, April 15 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, then conducted roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Daniel Small and Spencer Yohe. Also, in attendance were Superintendent Craig Ihrke, Elementary Principal Sue Link, Middle/High School Principal Nathan Boler, Dean of Students John Wahlstrom, and Community Education Director Gretchen Juan.
The chairs and tables in room #162 had been rearranged for the meeting. Peterson explained to the audience the reason behind the rearrangement was to accommodate the possibility of livestreaming board meetings in addition to having the board members sit in closer proximity.
Caledonia Middle/High School Spanish teacher, Tessa Larson, addressed the Caledonia Area Public School board regarding the in-person Spanish program being considered for discontinuation due to budget cuts.
Larson stated she was shocked to hear about the Spanish program being considered for elimination saying, “I feel strongly about the importance of having a Spanish program.” Gunn questioned Larson on the current Spanish program’s enrollment, to which Larson responded that typically freshmen enroll in Spanish 1 while sophomores enroll in Spanish 2.
“What I don’t like is eliminating a program,” stated school bus driver, Mark Lawler. He wanted to clarify that Larson did not volunteer to leave and that she only recently found out about the Spanish program being cut.
Through personal research, Lawler found that some colleges today still require foreign language as a prerequisite for admissions while other colleges do not. Also, Caledonia Public School district has Spanish speaking students, and the community has Spanish speakers.
Lawler asked the board if Larson’s position can either be kept as is or if the decision involving her position could be tabled for a year allowing time for another solution to be found.
Business owner Amanda Ninneman voiced her concern about foreign language enrollment decreasing if courses are only available online versus in person. She stated that there is a good chance that students will one day work with Spanish speakers or even employ Spanish speakers.
Local dentist, Sarah Herman, chimed in as a concerned parent stating, “I’m concerned about it also.” Herman has one daughter currently enrolled at Caledonia High School and two sons who will one day attend the high school. Herman questions how proactive freshmen and sophomores would be if taking a language course online. Herman stated, “I would encourage you to look at more information. I think in the long run it will hurt our community and school.” Herman added that she has had Spanish speaking patients at her practice, Herman Dental, in Caledonia.
The board decided not to discontinue the Spanish position but to table the item and decide whether to reduce or keep the program as is.
Board member Adamson moved, seconded by Yohe, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
The board graciously accepted monetary donations from both Schmitz Bus Service and Eitzen State Bank, the donations will go towards snacks for students during MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) testing. The board recognized Caledonia Lions Club for their volunteer work in selling tickets for events from November 2023 through March 2024.
The board unanimously approved the consent agenda.
There are currently two third grade teachers at the elementary school, the board unanimously approved to include an additional third grade teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Elementary Principal Link recommended the inclusion of an additional third grade teacher due to the number of students in the current second grade class. The second grade class currently has three teachers each with a class size of 17, 17, and 16.
In a 7-0 vote, the CAPS (Caledonia Area Public Schools) care coordinator position was approved not to be backfilled. Community Education Director Juan will take over the tasks that come with the position, in turn, the testing portion of Juan’s position will be taken over by the dean of students.
In a 7-0 vote, the full-time elementary facilities technician position was approved to not be backfilled. Elementary facilities technician, Jaymie Solum addressed the board stating, “I would like to have it filled or get some help around the building” and acknowledged his position as “more than just cleaning this building.” Solum shared that he helped set up kindergarten round-up and other school events. He explained that with two people, the bleachers were cleaned in 20 minutes, however, when cleaning by himself the task took an hour. Board member King questioned, “Is this an opportunity for service hours?” Or an opportunity to get kids involved? The board discussed ways to better assist Solum and the other facilities technicians.
An additional action item had been added to include the elimination of school board member salaries. Peterson felt board members should not receive pay when positions are getting cut, the board members unanimously approved.
Administrative reports were shared.
Board member Peterson thanked everyone for coming, stating, “We’re happy to hear what you have to say!” The board meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. The next regular board meeting will take place Monday, May 20 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the elementary school in room #162. The public is invited to attend.
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