Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder called the Caledonia City Council’s regular meeting to order on Monday evening, February 22, at 6:02 p.m. in the city auditorium. City council members in attendance included Amanda Ninneman, David Fitzpatrick, and Brad Rykhus. Councilmember Robert “Bob” Klug was absent.
The City Council unanimously approved the Consent Agenda. Included were minutes from the February 8, 2021, regular City Council meeting; Change Order No. 1 adding pea rock for $2,800 during the construction of Production Well No. 8, and Payment Application No. 4 (final) from Traut Companies for $61,429 for construction of Production Well No. 8.
Casey Klug, Public Works/Zoning director, informed the Council that they are “keeping things going.” Staff resolved and fixed a slow leak and spent the last couple of days plowing. Klug confirmed, “Residents have been doing a good job keeping the sidewalks shoveled this year.”
Adam Swann, city clerk/administrator informed councilmembers that water/wastewater rates will need to be gradually increased over the next couple of years and will be discussed in detail at the next city council meeting. The City received word that the COVID-19 funds from the Feds are estimated at $500,000 to $600,000, which are based on population, and is more than the CARES funds the City received. This time the parameters are broader. Funds can be used to offset loss revenues, COVID-19 expenses, and the economic Impact of COVID-19.
Scheduled during the meeting was a public hearing to discuss the proposed setback variance at the Eitzen State Bank, Caledonia. Public Works/Zoning Director Klug and bank representative(s) were available to answer any questions councilmembers or the public may have regarding the proposed project.
After the public hearing, the Council reconvened the regular meeting. The first order of business was the proposed application by Eitzen State Bank for a setback variance of 74 feet (resulting in a setback of 16 feet) to construct a 52’ x 124’ building (6,448 square feet) on the property at 117 N. Highway 44/76 (parcel ID 21057800). The Council approved the application.
The Council approved the revised intergovernmental agreement between the City of Caledonia and Houston County to cooperate on a water main looping project from East South Street to East Washington Street in Caledonia. Swann explained that the cost share is 1/3 City and 2/3 County, capping the City’s financial responsibility at $50,000. The County will be the project administrator and is hiring the City’s engineer for the project.
The Council approved Resolution 2021-04: A Resolution Amending Resolution 2019-007 Vacating West Grant Lane. In 2019 the petitioners did not have a legal description, and the resolution needs to match the property’s description.
The Council approved Resolution 2021-05: A resolution declaring production well no. 8 complete and accepting project. Swann explained that this resolution satisfies the recordkeeping requirement, and a resolution accepting the project is required.
The Council unanimously approved Ambulance Director Mike Tornstrom’s proposal to hire Williams Hicks as a part-time emergency medical responder (EMR) for the Caledonia Ambulance Department.
Swann presented five options for the exterior siding on Well House No.8: 1. All brick, 2. Hardie board and stone, 3. Cement board with block, 4. Cement board with block, and 5. Cement board with brick. The Council did not receive any cost estimates, so did not feel comfortable deciding. Swann asked for their preference. The mayor likes the bottom third in brick or block and the top sided. They all agreed that durability, cost, and appearance are essential. Recommendations and cost estimates with be shared with the Council at next month’s meeting.
Council is not required to take any action on this year’s Founders Day festivities since it is not a City-organized event. The one-day event is scheduled for Father’s Day, June 19, 2021. The City mentioned that since everything is held outside, like the car show and band, there should not be any problem hosting the event this year unless the governor hands down new guidelines. Permit applications will be submitted to the City and County to close streets. City officials mentioned that they had no objections last year when it was not held.
The mayor asked if the Council had any questions regarding the overtime report. He mentioned that the overtime is a result of snowstorms that always seem to happen on the weekends. He shared with fellow councilmembers that he has heard comments from residents that they are pleased with City employees’ work keeping the streets clean and that he had got up at 5 p.m. that morning, and the “streets looked bare.” No action required.
The next regular meeting of the Caledonia City Council is Monday, March 8, at 6 p.m. in the city auditorium.
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