Photo by Kaitlin Longhauser
Caledonia Area Public School Board members met Monday, December 18 at Caledonia Elementary School in Room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, and conducted roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Daniel Small and Spencer Yohe. Also in attendance were Middle/High School Principal Nathan Boler, Dean of Students John Wahlstrom, Community Education Director Gretchen Juan, and Business Manager/Finance Director Barb Meyer.
Board member Yohe moved, seconded by Adamson, to adopt the agenda as presented.
Luke Greden of Clifton, Larson Allen, LLP joined the board meeting virtually to review the school audit report. Greden works out of the Rochester, Minn., office and has worked with Caledonia Area Public School District for a number of years now. The school district received a clean audit with no compliance issues noted. Board member Peterson suggested to table accepting the school audit report as presented until all information is in and instead do a final approval all at once. The board agreed with Peterson, in turn the item got tabled to January.
Business Manager/Finance Director Meyer led the truth in taxation hearing in regards to the 2024 budget and levy. The board unanimously approved to adopt the final levy certification for 2024 in the amount of $2,511,835.19. Motion carried.
Yohe moved, seconded by Small, to approve the consent agenda, minutes from the November 20 regular board meeting, and the treasurer’s report. Caledonia Area Public School District’s new hires include Dawn Nolta, Georgene Davy and Brianna Steinmetz as full-time special education paraprofessionals. In addition, Grace Mikula was hired as a full-time health assistant.
Administrative Reports
Since Elementary Principal Link was absent, her board report was brought up on screen to view. Link’s report stated winter assessments for MTSS (Mult-Tiered System of Supports) have begun. The health department presented to the Curriculum Team textbooks they want to order for the 2024-2025 school year. The elementary school looks forward to the continuation of Afterschool Academy. The Warrior Closet is in need of waterproof mittens/gloves and snow pants.
Middle/High School Principal Boler provided his board report. Boler shared Thursday, December 21 will be the end date for term 2/semester 1. The master schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is being worked on. The middle school PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) team met with Southwest West Central Coop; the team is working to update the PBIS program with changes taking effect at the start of semester 2. The E-hall pass program will ideally be implemented in January 2024.
Dean of Students Wahlstrom provided his board report next. He shared the Mental Health and Drug Prevention committee had met. Thursday, December 21 the committee will meet with Hiawatha Valley Mental Health. Wahlstrom commented, “It’s a good first step,” and said the Staff Development Committee is doing a great job. A speaker is said to come Thursday, February 1 to offer a two-hour presentation on artificial intelligence. Wahlstrom shared he has been conducting teacher evaluations and is ahead of schedule. He commented, “We have some talented teachers in our district.”
Community Education Director Juan informed what is going on with Hand in Hand Preschool and Early Childhood Family Education. Early childhood screenings will take place Thursday, January 11 and Friday, January 12. Juan is preparing pre-K registration for fall 2024. There is consideration on offering one half day of 4K and one full day of 4k next year versus two full day 4K classes.
Juan shared that SAC (School Age Care) will be closed Monday, December 25 through Tuesday, January 2 due to lack of staff available over winter break.
Lastly, Juan informed what is going on with CAPS (Caledonia Area Public Schools) Care. CAPS Care is hiring for their toddler classroom. Tuesday, December 5, CAPS Care had a surprise licensing visit which went well.
New Business
The board reviewed school policies 413, 614, 615, 619, 623, 651, 701, 701.1, 702, 703 and 704.
The board meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. The next meeting of the Caledonia Area Public School board is moved to Tuesday, January 16 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at Caledonia Elementary School in Room #162. The public is invited to attend.
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