By Kaitlin Longhauser
Caledonia Area Public School Board members met Tuesday, January 16 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, then conducted roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Melissa Marschall, Daniel Small, Spencer Yohe and Peterson. Also in attendance were Superintendent Craig Ihrke, Elementary Principal Sue Link, Dean of Students John Wahlstrom, Community Education Director Gretchen Juan, and Business Manager/Finance Director Barb Meyer. Middle/High School Principal Nathan Boler had been absent.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
The board graciously accepted a generous monetary donation from Merchants Bank to be applied toward the elementary and middle/high school buildings.
The board unanimously approved the minutes from the December 18 regular board meeting, minutes from the January 8 organizational board meeting, and treasurer’s report.
Resignations were accepted for Lorene Reining as part-time media paraprofessional, Kerry Schaller as part-time media paraprofessional, Scott Koepke as head volleyball coach, and Jayln Dobbins as a special education paraprofessional. New hires include Charles Welsh as a full-time facilities technician and Wendy Rask as full-time secretary.
Board member Gunn questioned how the E-hall pass program worked. Dean of Students Wahlstrom stated that this is an online program that teachers have. Hall passes will be issued via computer on the teacher’s end. The E-hall pass will state where a given student is going and issue a time stamp. Limits can be set on the passes. Wahlstrom informed that a few other school districts have implemented this program.
Principal Link shared Friday, February 2 the Science Museum of Minnesota Outreach will conduct a lyceum about water for grades K-2 and grades 3-5. PACE (Parents as Allies in Children’s Education) will host Family Fun Night Friday, February 23. There is a desire to welcome new PACE members, with Link stating, “We would like to see members join!”
Elementary conferences will take place Thursday, February 1 and Tuesday, February 6.
The elementary school will begin monthly paraprofessional training held each Wednesday after school when teachers hold their PLC meetings. Haylee Cadena and Kristin Assum will offer instruction on student interaction when it comes to different levels of disabilities.
Link acknowledged both part-time paraprofessionals Reining and Schaller currently share the elementary media position and that both will retire at the end of the current school year. Reining has been with the school district for 36 years while Schaller has been with the district for 20 years. Link commented, “We will be losing two great employees with a plethora of experience.”
Wahlstrom provided his board report. The Strategic Plan Oversight Committee held its first meeting, which was mainly organizational. The goal for each meeting will be to address one goal at a time. Wahlstrom commented, “I like the direction we’re going with it,” and praised the AI training that took place.
Community Education Director Juan informed everyone in regard to Hand in Hand Preschool and ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education). Fall 2024 classes include full day 3K, full day 4K, and half day 4K. Families currently enrolled in 3K and Surround Care had Fall 2024 registration information sent to them. Registration will be available to the public Monday, April 8. ECFE classes will start again Wednesday, March 6.
Juan shared yoga, Elementary Chess Club, and Jr. Lego League started Monday, January 8. Mini dance lessons took place the first two weeks of January, these lessons turned out to be very successful and received positive feedback.
Juan and Superintendent Ihrke discussed the ACT (American College Testing). Ihrke brought to attention the ACT will no longer be free to students. Juan shared the ACT will cost $65 per student. Ihrke asks the board if the student fee is something the district could cover. Board member Small questioned if colleges even require students to take the ACT anymore. Ihrke stated, “I think there are only two schools in Minnesota that require it. There aren’t many that require it anymore.” Juan informed the ACT will be held Tuesday, April 9 and that the deadline for juniors to sign up for the test is Friday, January 19.
New Business
The board reviewed school policies 705-707, 710-714, 720, 721, 725, and 730.
The board meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. As February 19 is Presidents Day, the next meeting of the Caledonia Area Public School board will be held Tuesday, February 20. The meeting will take place 6 p.m. at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. The public is invited to attend.
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