Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, August 19 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, then conducted roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Daniel Small and Spencer Yohe. Board member Melissa Marschall was absent. District employees present included Superintendent Craig Ihrke, Middle/High School Principal Nathan Boler, Elementary Principal John Wahlstrom, Community Education Director Gretchen Juan, and Business Manager/Finance Director Barb Meyer.
The board warmly welcomed Samantha Peters as the new junior student school board reprensentative, with Addison Fruechte currently serving as the senior student school board representative.
Board member Yohe moved, seconded by Adamson, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
No Warrior Pride, Board Showcase, or Public Comment took place.
The Consent Agenda received unanimous approval, including:
- The minutes from the July 15 regular board meeting.
- The lease agreement between Hiawatha Valley Education District and Caledonia Area Public School District for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Accept the resignations for Jessy Whalen as assistant girls soccer coach, Grace Mikula as health assistant, Kaitlin Longhauser as the middle/high school media paraprofessional, and three special education paraprofessionals – Caitlin Wood, Kristina Kirchner and Lisa Thomas.
- Approve the hiring of Noah Kearney, Libby Stoltz, Nikki Konkel, Sophia Johnson and Kaitlyn Fah as special education paraprofessionals. In addition, approve the hiring of both Rachel Normann and Denise Buxengard as CAPS Care Aides, Angela Tamke as juvenile detention center teacher, Timothy Weisbrod as assistant boys soccer coach, Grace Mikula as K-12 student support personnel, both Rebecca Wralstad and Andrea Palm as health assistants, and Valerie Williams as assistant girls soccer coach.
Board member Gunn asked about the juvenile detention center position, stating he was under the impression that the position would go towards an existing teacher with Caledonia Public Schools instead of hiring an additional new teacher altogether. Gunn then questioned about funding for this new position added. Superintendent Ihrke responded that the school district pays but will be reimbursed by the county and the school district the detained student comes from. Gunn further questioned on what will the juvenile detention center teacher do if there are no students detained. Principal Boler responded that the teacher would still be utilized. Boler shared that Tamke had assisted with Caledonia Middle/High School’s Spanish speaking students since there were no detained students that day and since there was not an ESL/ELL teacher available. Boler added that the current staff had the option to apply for the juvenile detention center teaching position.
Superintendent Ihrke brought up that the district received a donated van (2009 Kia) from Patricia Ann Hill and recommended to add such as Action Item D. If accepted as a donation, the district can move forward with transferring the title.
Board member Yohe moved, seconded by Adamson, to accept the bid from Alive Telecom for $159,820. The bid is roughly $60,000 less than what the district expected. Seventy-five percent of the cost will be paid for by the COPS Grant that the district had received.
Board member Adamson moved, seconded by Peterson, to approve a junior high girls soccer coaching position for the 2024-2025 school year. The coaching position was added due to the increased number of participants.
The board unanimously approved newly added Action Item D, to accept the van donation from Hill and Action Item E, updated Caledonia Middle/High School Student Handbook.
Middle/High School Principal Boler shared, “I really enjoyed our back to school in-service last week!” Monday, August 19 had been the middle/high school’s first day of school. Boler commented that he thought the day was a great first day.
Elementary Principal Wahlstrom shared that the elementary school’s first day of school will be Wednesday, August 21 with August 19-20 being assessment days. At 8:05 a.m. on Wednesday, Wahlstrom explained the staff will provide a tunnel for students to walk through as a fun welcome for their first day of school. Wahlstrom commented that the district has some really involved teachers in regards to the Staff Development Committee in that the members do a phenomenal job. He acknowledged middle/high school social studies teacher, Erin Spencer who serves as the committee’s chair.
The board meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m.
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