The Caledonia City Council passed a resolution opposing the new Minnesota state flag and seal at their January 22 regularly scheduled meeting. In addition to Houston County, Caledonia is the third town in Houston County to publicly voice their opposition to the new flag and seal. The other towns are Brownsville and Eitzen.
The vote was four to one with Councilor Amanda Ninneman casting the only no vote. She explained that she was looking at it from a graphic designer’s perspective.
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues, staff, and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members in attendance included Robert (Bob) Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick and Ryan Stenzel.
The council approved the minutes from the January 8 regular city council meeting as presented.
The consent agenda was unanimously approved in one swift motion. The consent agenda included paying the bills, a sign permit at Fastenal, 710 Griffith Lane Road, to replace a broken sign; a $29,301.12 quote for a new electric service at the Bush Street lift station, a one-day liquor license for Mainspring, 404 E. Main Street, for an event on March 9; and the purchase of a Kerf Cutter at a cost of $3,200, a handheld, electric tool with a circular blade on the end. The Kerf Cutter can quickly repair a broken or protruding valve box. Council member Amanda Ninneman abstained from voting due to her involvement with Mainspring.
Eric Lynne of Donohue & Associates updated the council on the wastewater treatment plant, which was scheduled to be completed in July 2023. Lynne said, “They made a lot of good work this past fall with the warm weather, but it is still a long way from done.” The plant is now scheduled to be completed in six months. Lynne said that the city is tracking all the extra costs related to the delay, which will be used to negotiate a settlement at the end of the project. Extra costs include repairs at the old plant, violation fees, and extra engineering costs. The project was bid on a base cost plus a contingency, assuming that the contingency funds would not be needed if the project went according to plan. Lynne asked the council to give the staff permission to release the owner-control contingency in their contract so Donohue & Associates can continue to help oversee the project and see that the facilities get built correctly. The entire council was in agreement to release the contingency funds with the goal of getting the funds recouped.
The city added a lifetime license to the animal ordinance, which, according to the proposal, will reduce waste, postage, and administrative time. The city did not see a need to add language to the ordinance regarding chickens but that a chicken ordinance has been written if needed. Dickson said that the police department does not see any issues with the updates to the ATV ordinance. According to the staff report, “It was felt that breaking out the rules for nighttime operation into its own subsection would make the rule simpler to for residents and police officers.”
As swimming season is fast approaching, the council has approved the lifeguard wages for 2024. They are $11.75 for a lifeguard, $12.75 for an assistant manager, and $13.75 for a manager. The council approved “paying out the sick time earned for lifeguards at the end of the pool season as an added incentive to work shifts at the pool.”
In other business, the board:
•Approved the earned sick and safe time policy.
•Reviewed the overtime report for December 25, 2023, through January 18, 2024. No action required.
•Adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m.
The next Caledonia City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 12 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at city hall, 231 E. Main St., in historic downtown Caledonia. The public is invited to attend.
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