The Caledonia City Council held its February 8, 2021, regular meeting in the city auditorium from 6-7:45 p.m.
Councilmembers present include: Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder, Amanda Ninneman, David Fitzpatrick, and Brad Rykhus. Councilmember Robert “Bob” Klug was absent. Visitors present included Laurel Russert, Carolyn Medin, Polly Heberlien, and Dianne Schuldt from the Caledonia Green Committee/Streetscapes. City staff present include Casey Klug, Public Works/Zoning director; Adam Swann, clerk/administrator; and Mike Tornstrom, Caledonia Ambulance director.
The council unanimously approved the consent agenda including the approval of the minutes from the January 25, 2021, regular city council meeting; the purchase of 2021 ISX 2200 Ferris lawnmower from Hammell Equipment for $9,500; hiring of Kristina Hauser as part-time clerk at Caledonia Liquor Store at rate of $12/hr.; payment application no. 1 from Ricchio, Inc. for $19,000 for pool gutter replacement project.
Department updates
Casey Klug, Public Works/Zoning Director updated the council by first stating that the ice-skating rink is up and running. Klug informed the council that he is putting together the quotes for the wastewater design work and will get them to the city engineer as the grant application is due by March 3.
Clerk/Administrator Adam Swann informed the council that he spoke with community pickleball players regarding repurposing the tennis court so it can be used for both tennis and pickleball. Swann informed them that there was not any money this year but that the city will look at it next year. Applications are currently being accepted for a swimming pool manager, two assistant managers, and lifeguards. Planning for this summer’s softball and baseball program is underway.
Pocket Park
Councilmember Ninneman made a motion to purchase the Hauser property at 119 S. Kingston St. for $13,200, fair market value from the county. Motion carried.
The Caledonia Green Committee/Streetscapes committee helps to beautify Caledonia and raise money to purchase decorations for the city’s streets and parks. Members volunteer their time to decorate these areas. The committee’s vision is to create a pocket park at the 119 S. Kingston St. property, in essence creating downtown’s first green space including trees, landscaping, and a three-dimensional mural. Funding from the Arlin Falck Foundation will be used to commission mural artist, Sarah Pederson to paint an 8’ x 48’ three-dimensional mural that would be installed on two poles in the park. Russert emphasized, “the park would be fun for kids and adults.” The committee has given the artist the go-ahead to do some draft drawings and has paid her $150. What Pederson does is unique as it is different from murals in other towns. The mural would be draw residents and visitors to Caledonia and downtown. Being three-dimension, it will be different from the other’s murals in town. The discussion also included the need for funding to landscape the park. The city is already taking care of the property by mowing it and is thinking about a installing a fence on the north and back side of the property. The city has $5,000 allocated in the budget for the project. Once the project gets rolling, the hope is that residents and groups will come forward and help with donations to complete the park.
Other action items
Tornstrom presented and explained the proposed rate increases mentioning that it was not a set increase across the board as rate increases had been in the past. The council approved increasing the ambulance department service rates, starting March 1, 2021.
The council unanimously approved Resolution 2021-02: Authorizing the City of Caledonia to apply to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for a Loan of $10,559.80 from the Clean Water Revolving Fund for Engineering and Construction Costs Related to Improvements to the city’s Wastewater Treatment System. Approving Resolution 2021-02 allows the city to submit an application.
The council unanimously approved Resolution 2021-03: A Resolution Expressing Support for Extension of N. Warrior Avenue, Authorizing Submission of an Application for Funding from the MnDOT’s 2020 Local Road Improvement Program and Requesting Support from Houston County. The application is due March 3, 2021. Swann explained that the school will discuss the road extension at their meeting on February 16. The city is requesting the school’s support of the project and that the school will give the city the land. The county must decide what projects they will sponsor. Mayor Schroeder mentioned, “It would be really nice to have a grant.” Councilmembers agreed that the extension is necessary for pedestrian safety and that the extension will help spur business in that area and is a good connection for visitors coming into town.
The council unanimously approved increasing the pay for casual part-time police officers from $17.95/hr. to $20.50/hr. Caledonia has been paying $17.95 since either 2008 or 2009. Other towns are paying a couple dollars more than what is being proposed, making it hard for the city to keep part-time police officers. 1,040 hours are budgeted equating to an increase of $2,652.
After a lengthy discussion regarding the city’s utility customer policies and procedures regarding the voluntary removal of water and electric meters, the council decided to check and see what other towns are doing and revisit the city’s policies later.
After review of the correspondence from City Attorney Mike Flaherty regarding potential conflict involving Melissa Wray’s application to participate in Small Cities Development Program, Swann informed the council he sees no conflict.
The council was presented with the prepaid claims and claims payable as well as the employee overtime report for pay period January 11-24, 2021, for approval. Overtime hours were a result of snow plowing and the water main break. Approved.
The next regular scheduled meeting of the Caledonia City Council meeting is Monday, February 22, 2021, at 6 p.m. at the city auditorium.
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