The first reading of Caledonia’s cannabis licensing ordinance occurred at the January 23 city council meeting. A public hearing will be scheduled.
Caledonia City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson explained that the cannabis situation created by the State last year has been a hot topic lately. According to Dickson the proposed ordinance is “closely inline with what other cities are doing” in leu of a moratorium or ban. The ordinance includes a compliance check and licensing fee of $1000.00 to cover the cost of policing and compliance training.
Council members in attendance, Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder, Robert “Bob” Klug, Amanda Ninneman, and David Fitzpatrick. Council member Ryan Stenzel was absent.
Others in attendance included Caledonia City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson, Public Works & Zoning Director Casey Klug, Carol Hood, Collin Benson, Denise Duss, and Matt Mohs.
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led the council, staff, and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board unanimously approved the minutes from the January 9 regular city council meeting.
In one motion, the consent agenda was approved in its entirety, including the replacement of a lift station pump at the East Grant lift station at the cost of $20,550.00 and $565.00 in donations for Streetscapes from Doug and Laurel Rusert, Kemper and Nancy Cowgill, The American Legion Auxiliary, Joyce Schroeder, Rosie Catering LLC, Betty Tessmer, and Wordean and Janice Welper. In addition, the properties at 505 Badger Street North and 425 Badger Street, owned by Caledonia Realco, 425 Badger Street, were assessed a total of $28,945.40 for delinquent utility bills. Caledonia Realco operated the now-closed Pine View Rehabilitation and Senior Living at those locations.
The council closed the regular council meeting and opened the public hearing at 6:04 p.m. Director Klug presented the Interim Use Permit (IUP) for the property at 100 E. Monroe St., a single-family home in a residential zone. Property owner Denise Duss plans to continue living on the first floor of her home and utilize the apartment in the basement for an Airbnb. There is ample room in the property’s 22’ x 45’ driveway for off-street parking as required by the ordinance. Director Klug added that over the past several years, the city approved four other Airbnb applications for terms of 2-3 years each. Director Klug noted that those permits have not been renewed. Therefore, there is a need for lodging facilities in the city. The council voted to approve the IUP for three years on the condition that a 6’ privacy fence be installed on the North property line by May 1, 2023.
In other business, the council:
• Approved letting the 2023 Grove Marshall Street and Utilities Improvement plans out for bids. The bids will be due on February 22, 2023, and will be considered by the council at 6 p.m. on February 27, 2023;
• Approved the Classification and Compensation study Request for Proposals (RFP);
• Reviewed the overtime report for pay periods December 26, 2022, to January 8, 2023, with the mayor noting that the overtime report was normal.
The mayor called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled Caledonia City Council meeting will be held Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street, Caledonia. The public is invited to attend.
Carol Johnson says
Marjuana problems, l do not like to walk down the street and have the air I breathe polluted by marjuana secondhand smoke. Also pollution from the neighbors back yard whiffing air across the fence. What about second hand smoke the children and pets are exposed to. We have a very greedy government wanting tax money and putting the health of our society at risk.