At 6 p.m. on Monday, August 12, Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder convened the Caledonia City Council’s regular meeting in the city hall council chambers, beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Schroeder announced that all council members were present: Bob Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick and Ryan Stenzel.
Others in attendance included Bob and Marla Burns, Tracey Knutson and Bryan Spier.
The minutes from the July 22 regular city council meeting were approved as written.
The consent agenda was approved as amended, with member Ninneman abstaining from the vote. It included paying the bills, hiring Josiah through ABC as a temporarily custodian to fill in for Dan Muenekel who will be out for approximately two months, granting a zoning permit for Caledonia Haulers for the installation of face-lit channel letters to the front of the building at 420 Lincoln St. W., Caledonia, and authorizing the final payment of $11,024 to Zenke Inc. for their work on the 2023 Street and Utility Improvement Project.
Reports from Public Works and Zoning Director Casey Klug and City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson were brief. Klug updated the council on the pickle ball/tennis court project which he hopes will be ready to “rock and roll” by Wednesday. He also reported that the street department has been working on street patching, fixing catch basins, and adjusting manholes that are sticking up too high, plus other projects. Zoning sent out about 10 letters to property owners letting them know they need to clean up their property. He also mentioned that every year they spend around $10,000 to replace a section of sidewalk on the walking trail each year. This staff completed this year’s section about 10 days ago. The city will be sending out another letter reminding property owners to complete the lead and copper survey letter, as there are approximately 400 people that have not done so. Dickson announced that Tuesday, August 13, is the last day for candidates to file for the mayor and city council seats that are open. He said that the city did not receive “congressionally directed spending to repair the water towers” but will probably reapply in February. He announced that Representative Brad Finstad will be coming to town on August 21 and will be meeting with city staff and officials.
In other business, the board:
• Tabled a request from Bob and Marla Burns to repaint a yellow strip behind the Semcac building or install a no parking sign to facilitate easier access for the food truck. City staff will look into the cost of installing a sign before the next city council meeting on August 26.
• Approved the hiring of Emily Babcock as the new liquor store clerk at $13 per hour, effective immediately.
• Approved a payment of $280,579.96 for work performed at the wastewater treatment plant, with $21,000 withheld by the city.
• Reviewed the overtime reports for pay periods July 8 to July 21 and July 22 through August 4.
There was no old business addressed.
The meeting was promptly adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
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