Caledonia Council members returned after the holidays on January 10 to an incredible makeover in the council chambers. Accolades to the staff for all their work; walls, doors, and windowsills painted, carpet replaced, the Chamber desk repaired and painted, new desks purchased, and paperwork organized and filed.
Council members in attendance included Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder, Amanda Ninneman, David Fitzpatrick, and Robert “Bob” Klug. Council member Brad Rykhus was absent.
Also in attendance were City Clerk/Administrator Adam Swann, Financial Officer Stephanie Mann, and Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug.
Council members unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the December 13, 2021, meeting minutes, plus the engagement letter with Smith Schafer & Associates for audit of city’s financial statements for year ending December 31, 2021, the MN Department of Commerce utility deposit interest rate of .2% for city utility deposits in 2022, and Payment Application No. 3 from Wapasha Construction Co., Inc. In amount of $113,695.77 for work performed on construction of the new Well House No. 8.
Klug reported that his department has been “prepping for snow, plowing snow, and repairing from snow.” There were a couple water main breaks over the last two weeks. One break was located under Hwy. 44 between the former True Gas and Caledonia Haulers. Klug explained that they were able to do a quick spot dig, move Caledonia Haulers service and then were able to shut off the water. They will need to wait until spring to do the actual repairs. The other break was located by Lincoln and Ramsey.
Overtime during November 29 – December 12, 2021, and December 13-26, 2021, is a result of snow plowing and broken water mains which seem to always happen on weekends.
Swann announced that Richard’s Sanitation’s LLC. will appear before the council at the January 24 meeting to answer any questions regarding the company’s proposal to switch to totes. It was noted that the proposed fees would be six cents lower than the current contract and that it does not expire until 2025.
The information received from MiEnergy along the 2022 wholesale power rate schedule indicates that there is a sizeable, reduced wholesale rate for 2022.
The council promptly approved the first three action items on the agenda with little discussion as all three are standard business conducted at the first council meeting of each year. Fitzpatrick will serve as the Auxiliary Mayor, Mayor Schroeder as the City’s Weed Inspector and the Emergency Management Director. Councilmember Klub was appointed to the library board and Mayor Schroeder and Councilmember Ninneman to the Economic Development Authority Board. Rykhus and Schroeder will serve on the General Government Committee, Klug and Schroeder on the Personnel Committee, Rykhus and Schroeder on the Public Safety Committee, Ninneman and Schroeder on the Fire and Ambulance Committee, Fitzpatrick and Ninneman the Culture-Recreation Committee, and Fitzpatrick and Rykhus on the Enterprise Funds Committee.
The City of Caledonia’s Pay Equity Report for 2022 was unanimously approved without any further discussion.
Mann reviewed the proposed 2022 budgets for the seven enterprise funds – water, sewer, Houston County Collection, electric, stormwater, liquor, and EDA revolving fund. The council unanimously approved all seven budgets.
Stephanie Mell contacted Swann to request an update on the city’s discussion last year regarding the tentative plans to construct a playground on the Southeast corner of the former Frisch property. No decisions were made until the council has more information, like cost. City employees and council members will contact other communities to gather information.
The next regular council meeting is Monday, January 24, at 6 p.m. at Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street. The public is invited to attend.
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