By Wyatt Garten
The GM FFA has been pretty busy so far this year. We built a chick pen for the Mower County Fair barnyard, had a float in our homecoming parade, and had our annual fruit sales where we sold over $10,000 in fruit, meat and cheese, and other items. So far this year we have had three teams compete in Career Development Events (Livestock Judging, Fish and Wildlife, and Companion Animal Science) at invitationals and regional contests with more teams slated to compete later this spring. We have had one individual and one team qualify for their state contests this spring so far.
We have also had two individuals compete in Leadership Development Events (Prepared Public Speaking and Employment Skills) this fall at Riverland Community College in Austin, Minn.
We are looking forward to FFA week this year to celebrate agriculture and to educate the public about the agricultural industry and the impact it has had on out local community. We plan to do a coloring contest in the elementary, ag trivia in the middle school, and a breakfast for our school staff to help celebrate FFA Week at Grand Meadow.
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