Brownsville City Council members met Wednesday, June 5 at Brownsville Community Center. Mayor Jean Meyer called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. City Clerk Steve Schuldt conducted roll call. Coun cil members present included Meyer, Barb Hurley, Pam Walhovd, Bill Fitzpatrick and Tim Klug. City employees present were Schuldt, City Treasurer Jenna Knight and from City Maintenance, Dean Twite.
The council unanimously approved the Consent Agenda.
Old Business
Mayor Meyer shared there were three interviews that took place over the last two weeks, for the city’s vacant part-time maintenance position. The sub-committee recommended a specific candidate (candidate name was not stated) for the position if said candidate chose to accept the position. Councilor Walhovd moved to offer the part-time position to said candidate with a starting pay of $22 per hour, Hurley seconded in turn motion carried. Mayor Meyer will offer the position tomorrow, June 6.
The council then turned their discussion towards whether or not to vacate 2nd Street. Mayor Meyer acknowledged that 2nd Street had been looked at and that “by legal mapping you have to go by what’s plotted.” In 1991, the city of Brownsville vacated one of the lots on 2nd Street, since the lot was vacated the lot became a non-street due to it not being accessible by the public. Meyer stated, “As a city, we have to look at, do we have a public street or not?” In 1991, lots 91 and 92 were vacated, leaving behind lots 89, 93, and 94. Meyer added, “Right now, the public doesn’t have access to that road.” The council unanimously approved to move forward with vacating and to work on access for both the north and south ends. In addition, a public meeting will be held in August.
Mayor Meyer acknowledged that the city needs a designated engineering firm with whom to work. At the May regular council meeting, two firms,Bollig Engineering and ISG Engineering, shared a presentation with the council. Meyer provided examples in why the city needs an engineering firm. “We have a wastewater plant that needs to be looked at,” Meyer said. If the city applies for a grant the city will likely be asked who their engineering firm is. The Council leaned more towards Bollig as Bollig works only with cities that have a population less than 1,000. The council approved to accept a Bollig contract, with no cost before work.
Councilmember Hurley informed the council about Brownsville Lions Club’s plans in cleaning up the ballpark. The park’s bleachers by the scoreboard need to be replaced. The bleachers will hopefully be fixed by Brownsville Days, however, the fix will only be a temporary solution. If the bleachers are replaced, the Brownsville Lions Club offered to remove the old bleachers. Last year, a blackboard had been donated. The Lions want to put up the blackboard against the old restroom wall so kids could draw on the blackboard. The Lions will also replace the shrubs by the gazebo area.
New Business
Mayor Meyer shared that Blandin Funding reached out offering a grant opportunity to provide funding for a comprehensive review. Blandin Funding works with towns that have a population of less than 5,000 people. Hurley stated, “I vote not to accept.” Some council members felt that the city should get to decide how grant funds are used. The council unanimously agreed to not apply for the grant.
Department Reports
City Maintenance Twite provided his maintenance report:
• A culvert was rotted out and needed to be replaced.
• Minor repairs needed to be done at Bluffview Manor.
• Apartment #2 at Bluffview Manor is now painted, cleaned, and ready to go.
• The asset manager tracker is being worked on.
• Council member Hurley questioned Twite about the old air conditioner units left to sell. Each air conditioner is sold at $25 a piece. Councilor Fitzpatrick recommended to advertise the old air conditioners on Facebook.
City Treasurer Knight presented her city clerk report:
• Knight said eight residents wanted the guardrail replaced while one resident wanted the guardrail removed. The council unanimously approved to replace the railing.
• With Bluffview Manor Apartment #2 now available to rent out, the tenant from unit #10 expressed interest in moving into unit #2. The flooring from unit #10 is said to be old. The Council approved to refurbish unit #10 after the tenant moves out.
The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
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