Brownsville’s City Council met Wednesday, July 5 at Brownsville Community Center from 7-9:22 p.m. Council members present included Mayor Jean Meyer, Pam Walhovd, Jacob Danielson and Tim Klug. Also in attendance were City Clerk Steve Schuldt, City Treasurer Jenna Knight, and from city maintenance, Dean Twite. Council member Barb Hurley was absent.
The minutes from the June 7 regular council meeting were approved. The agenda was approved, with one modification in where an item listed under Old Business in regards to ballpark improvements and bleacher/dug-outs be tabled.
No floor correspondence or presentations took place.
One Brownsville resident addressed the council about accessing old records and information regarding past council meetings. The resident was informed such information is available online going back until 2016.
Old business
The council discussed estimates concerning fire protection for Brownsville’s Bluffview Manor Apartments. Danielson moved, second by Walhovd to accept the quote from Pete’s Electrical Services, LLC for $2178.02 to replace the smoke detectors in the common areas and a few other labor areas.
Following the discussion on fire protection estimates, the council moved on to discuss two air conditioning replacement quotes, from Winona Controls and Schroeder Heating & Cooling, LLC.
In a 3-1 vote, the service contract for cleaning of Brownsville Community Center was approved. Cleaning duties entail wiping down chairs, wiping down tables, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, changing garbage, and cleaning the bathrooms.
No new business was discussed.
Department reports
Twite stated he will need to wait until the weather cools in order to go up to Bluffview Manor’s attic to shingle; currently the temperature is too hot. The north end door for the Manor has arrived. Twite briefly discussed water mitigation in regards to the north end.
Brandon Frank, training officer for Brownsville’s fire department, informed the council a bill will be coming their way shortly as one of the fire trucks needed a new starter put in.
Brownsville Fire Department is working on implementing a service agreement between both Brownsville Township and Crooked Creek Township. Brownsville Township is not interested in signing any form of contract, in turn the Brownsville Fire Department has not heard back from Brownsville Township. Mayor Meyer plans to draft a letter, then Treasurer Knight will send the letter out to the township board. Crooked Creek wants to look more closely over the agreement; their main concern with the service agreement is the cost on their part being $3,000.
Knight shared a request had been made for the city to include a drop box so residents could make bill payments via the drop box.
Knight informed the council that she is waiting for the second estimate in regards to removal of the large stump at the end of Clay Street. The stump currently impedes the road.
Bluffview Manor’s unit #9 renter was interested to know if they could replace the carpeting in their unit, seeing as the carpet is not new, with vinyl flooring at their own personal expense. The renter also is interested in supplying their own refrigerator. Danielson moved, second by Klug to allow the renter’s request under city maintenance Twite’s approval. The motion was carried.
A1 Pumping visited a Bluffview Manor unit due to a badly clogged kitchen sink, the clog being exclusive to that unit. A bill has not yet arrived for A1 Pumping’s services but the bill will be the tenant’s responsibility.
The claims list was approved.
The next regular Brownsville City Council meeting will take place at Brownsville Community Center on Wednesday, August 2 at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
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