The Lenora Pioneer Church Society is happy to announce that Brad Boice will sing at the historic Lenora United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 5 at 2 p.m. This will be a festive day as people from around the region gather at the historic 1860s church building. Brad Boice will sing gospel music and hymns, as well as other songs once sung by Elvis Presley. People are invited to bring personal hygiene items to be sent to United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in response to recent hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires and other natural disasters. A special offering will be received for the ongoing work and ministry of the historic Lenora Church. It will be a festive and happy afternoon at the old church as we hear beautiful gospel music sung by Brad and share together in Christian fellowship. The Lenora Church is located in rural Canton off of Fillmore County Road 23. Everyone is invited to come share together in a fun afternoon. A special gift will be presented to Brad…you’ll want to come and find out what it is! Hope to see you at the old Lenora Church on November 5!
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