Bush 41. Clinton 42. Bush 43. Obama 44. Trump 45. Hillary Clinton. Senator Charles Schumer. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Household names in American politics, and all with something in common.
Every one of them has written and spoken publicly about securing our southern border to stem the flow of illegal drugs, terrorists, contraband, and foreign criminals. All have advocated for a system of barriers, technology, and increased manpower with the goal of protecting American citizens. For various reasons, all have also been guilty of kicking the can down the road….. All except Donald J. Trump.
Why is Democratic leadership determined to stop the Wall? They know over 80% of illegal drugs come through the southern border, along with dangerous criminals and terrorists who hate America. Mr. Schumer says it is too expensive and ineffective. Let’s look at the expensive aspect.
At 5.7 Billion, the cost represents less than ½ of 1% of the yearly national budget, or 2.7% of what the food stamp program alone costs every year [figures according to the Congressional Budget Office]. Estimates of the annual costs attributed to illegal immigration range from around 10 billion [ the Cato Institute] to 130 Billion [Federation for American Immigration]. If effective, it would seem the Wall would provide great potential for a healthy Return On Investment!
Democrats say it would NOT be effective. Are they correct?
Let’s be logical. If we have a medical, a legal, or an investment question, we go to, respectively, a doctor, a lawyer, or a trusted fiduciary expert. If we have a border security question, we ask a Border Security Professional. [Unless we are unwise or illogical, in which case we ask Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, or the talking heads in the main stream media or NPR.]
A survey was completed last April of 600 members of the Border Patrol Council. Results were published by reporter Stephen Dinan in the Washington Times. Those surveyed were boots-on–the-ground border agents with firsthand security responsibilities. Over 89% were in favor of adding a bollard type steel barrier wall to the current 654 miles of wall protecting the 1,950 mile border. Mr. Trump, wisely consulting with border agents, determined to increase that total by around 400 miles and to upgrade existing barriers as necessary.
If you had a multimillion dollar property needing protection, and a reputable firm proposed to provide it for $4,000 with a .50 cent upcharge to provide a key security wall, how long would it take you to authorize the extra .50 cents?
So why are Congressional Democrats so against The Wall? After all, they say they want border security, and recently were advocating for it, including voting in 2006 for a multi-billion dollar plan that included a physical barrier. Why not go along with it now?
• Congressional Democrats are desperate to stop Mr. Trump from keeping a core campaign promise that will help him in the 2020 election.
• Democrats see illegal aliens as potential Democratic votes; and rightfully so. [If they thought illegals would vote Republican, the border wall would be visible from outer space!]
• Democrat candidates can call for increased manpower and technology at the border, pretending to support enhanced border security while opposing the wall, thus maintaining support from the large numbers in their base who want secure borders, all the while knowing that all those measures can easily be eliminated by defunding them. Walls are permanent; once built, improved security is assured.
Dear Readers, the facts are plain. We know walls work. They work around the White House, military safety [Green] zones, prisons, to protect Israel, on construction sites, and they work well on our southern border where they currently exist. We know the cost is not prohibitive. This is just another example of Democrats caring more about power then they do about the welfare of the American people. Contact your senators and representatives. Tell them to Build the Wall!
God Bless until next time, Jeff
George says
Greetings Hawkeye,
Your orange crush just caved to a 78 year old woman. I think that his tumbling ratings were his primary concern. He couldn’t care less about the border, safety, or the constitution. He cares about money, power, and whatever is north of his dork.. That’s why he had ego building rallies while Puerto Rico went for months without electricity. I could go on and on, but his supporters are all incorrigible.
Kim Wentworth says
Your comment about Puerto Rico shows your complete asinine view of reality. The only suffering going on there is because, for lack of a better word, the dork running things down there. Libtards truly amaze me at times.
George says
Now you are name calling. Typical uneducated clock puncher.
George says
Build it! We need that wall as a constant reminder to future generations of what can happen when you elect an insane egomaniac into the oval office.
Hawkeye63 says
What you meant to say was, ” This is what happens when Americans finally elect a man who takes the oath of office to protect The Constitution and American People seriously, and keeps his promises to his constituents to the very best of his ability.”
That’s really what you meant, right George????