The blood drive held in Harmony on March 30, 2021, succeeded in collecting 53 units of blood. There were 48 donors that presented, of which eight donated Power Reds (two units). Congratulations to these three donors who reached the following milestones:
• Brian K. Bratager – seven gallons
• Harvey J. Hershberger – six gallons
• Joseph M. Hershberger – four gallons
The bloodmobile is sponsored by the Harmony American Legion Auxiliary, and many of the volunteers are Auxiliary members. However, numerous volunteers from the community also help make our blood drives successful. Thank you to everyone for your continued support in this worthwhile effort.
The next bloodmobile will be in Harmony on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, from 1-7 p.m. It is likely that appointments will be mandatory again, so please call Marilyn Bratager at (507) 937-3406 to schedule one, or schedule online at
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