On November 22, the Caledonia City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting in the Caledonia City Hall Council Chambers. Council members present included Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder, Amanda Ninneman, David Fitzpatrick, Brad Rykhus, and Robert “Bob” Klug.
Also in attendance was City Clerk/Administrator Adam Swann. Financial Officer Stephanie Mann participated via phone. Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug was absent.
At 6 p.m. Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order and led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the November 8 meeting minutes and consent agenda. There were no public comments.
Financial Officer Mann carefully went over the monthly financial reports and the 2022 budget in detail. She reminded the council that the Truth-in-Taxation hearing is scheduled at the beginning of the December 13 council meeting, noting that the board will set the levy. Mann explained that the city is finishing up the capital items; windows in the auditorium, and carpet in the council chambers before the end of the year. The budget is still built on the proposed 6.5% levy, which can be lowered, but cannot be raised. Therefore, the city will not have a huge bottom line next year.
Swann recognized Joseph Holten, manager of the municipal liquor store. According to the state’s annual audit report released this month, Caledonia’s municipal liquor store did not experience a loss in 2020. Caledonia ranked 69 out of 179 city liquor stores based on the net profit/(loss) as a percent of sales in 2020.
Swann presented the Capital Improvement plan for 2022-2026, noting that the city will be in a better position.
The council approved a proposed bike race route in Caledonia for next April or early May. Organizer Chase Wark of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Cycling Team toured Caledonia with city staff. Swann noted that Wark did more than 100 of these races, and he feels that Wark can do a good job putting on a good event. There would be multiple high-speed races, and there will also be races happening elsewhere in the county. The event will take place on a Saturday.
The mayor called to close the regular meeting at 6:57 p.m. and go into the public forum. There was no one in attendance, and Swann confirmed that he had not received any calls, emails, or letters regarding the proposed changes to particular city code sections. The council returned to the regular meeting at 7 p.m. and voted to approve the changes to city code sections 153.136, 153.138, and 153.139(c) regarding the permitted and conditional uses and setback regulations in a B-2, Highway Business District.
Resolution 2021-17: A resolution accepting the offer of the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority to purchase an $8,281,954 General Obligation Sewer Revenue Note of 2021B, providing for its issuance, and authorizing execution of a bond purchase and project loan agreement was unanimously approved.
The council approved the purchase of a hose, requested by the fire department, for a total of $1,260. The mayor announced that members of the council would meet with the department once every three or four months.
The annual Caledonia Founders Day Winter Wonderland Parade will take place on Friday, December 3, at 7 p.m.
The public Truth-in-Taxation hearing is scheduled at the beginning of the December 13 city council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
The next city council meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 13 at 6 p.m. at Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street. The public is invited to attend.
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